Waking Up

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Dedicated to @Jenna_Potter_for being the first person to read it :)!!!

James Potter blinked, rubbing his eyes as a bright light glared upon him. Lily sat up next to him, her long red hair all tangled up in the most adorable bird's nest in the whole- back to the point. "Where are we?" He asked her, feeling tired as if he had been fighting with Voldemort for- Voldemort? VOLDEMORT! "Lily, OH MY GOD LILY, HARRY! WHAT HAPPENED- I WAS TRYING TO FIGHT HIM OFF- DAMMIT, LILY WHERE'S MY WAND!" Lily glared at him and shook her head. "James, shut up! We need to find out what's happened and where we are. You shouting is not helping us at all" Lily said angrily. Then she softened. "Look, James, I'm as worried as you are but we need to be careful! We don't know if there are any Death Eaters around!"she whispered. Suddenly a deep voice interrupted their conversation. "Mr and Mrs Potter. Welcome to Wizarding Heaven! We hope that you will enjoy your endless stay!" These words were coming from a wizard in deep purple robes, with twinkling silver stars on them and a tall pointed hat, MERLIN inscribed in cursive on the front. "Now, please follow me and I will escort you to your cottage."

And without further ado, he turned around in a swish of robes and led them down a flowery path. James sat there and stared at the wizard who was stranger than Dumbledore for ten seconds and then ran after him. Lily got up calmly, dusted herself off, and apparated straight behind 'Merlin'. "So where are we, exactly, sir?" she asked warily. "W.H of course, Mrs. Potter! Or Wizarding Heaven, if you prefer. Where all the wizards and witches go after death! Muggleborns can decide in between W.H or human Heaven. You, Mrs. P, decided to go here! Of course, you can still visit your muggle family if you wish, and they can visit you, but only if they knew about wizards when they were still living. Otherwise, only you can decide if you want to see them." he rambled on, his green eyes twinkling like a young boy. "Oh, um... my parents aren't.... well, I- uh I- how do I know if they went to Heaven?" Lily said in a soft voice. Merlin stopped his talking abruptly and stared at her, his eyes wide. "Mrs Potter, I'm so sorry of course, I had forgotten! Well, I'm truly sorry to say that I don't know, since the pair of you died so early and you had to leave poor baby Harry all alone and with his stinking aunt and uncle- "WHAT!" James roared from behind them. "MY POOR BABY IS WITH PETUNIA AND THAT GREAT *brute* OF A DURSLEY!!! WHERE WAS SIRIUS WHEN THIS HAPPENED!!?!! I'M GOING TO KILL WHOEVER PUT HIM THERE, I SWEAR LILY WHOEVER DID THIS IS GOING TO PAY!!!" Lily blanched and patted his arm soothingly. "Mr. Merlin? Can you tell us more please?"

But Merlin wasn't paying attention, he was glancing up at a lovely yellow cottage, three stories high, with ivy beautifully twined around the door and multicoloured flowers sprouting around the house. Merlin beamed at them and said "Well, I'll leave you to get settled won't I?" and he performed a pirouetting leap and vanished. James growled and started muttering obscenities. Lily led him inside the beautiful house and pushed him on the first chair she could find. Both of them were still exhausted for no apparent reason, and they fell asleep, each in an armchair, whilst the fire crackled merrily in the grate.

Back on earth, baby Harry was crying in his crib, the room a wreck around him. Voldemort was feeling extreme pain. And Dumbledore, alone in his office was reading a letter, a single tear shining on his cheek.

A few hours later, Lily stretched and James yawned. They both felt ready to attack whatever was waiting for them outside the cottage door. Lily threw open the curtains and gasped when she looked outside. "James, come look!" Outside, it was snowing, and the sun shined down upon the white ground. The little flowers were all preserved in thin icy layers, you could see the flower perfectly. Lily grabbed a coat on a hook by the door and went outside. James followed her, holding her waist. He snatched two scarves and some gloves and closed the door behind him. A little snowflake landed on Lily's nose, and James kissed it off. Lily giggled like a teenage girl. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and said "Let's go find out what this world holds, my little snowflake!" Lily laughed and took his hand, and they walked down the trail, searching for other people.

It wasn't long before they came by another house, bright blue with lights coming from the windows. James knocked on the door, his hand shaking. Seconds later, the doorway burst open, a blond, plump witch standing there, an orange and yellow apron tied around her waist, a bright smile on her red face. "Hello! What can I do for you?" Then her face drained of colour. "L-l-lily? James?! Oh My Godric!!!! What are y-y-you doing here? You're supposed to be alive!!!!" Lily gaped at her then gave her a huge bear hug. "MARLENE!! YOU'RE HERE!!!! So we really are dead aren't we?" she said the last in a sad voice. James was smiling dismally. "Does that mean Fabian and Gideon are here, then?" he asked. "Yes! Right down the road, the striped pink and purple house!! But right now I think they went to the ice skating rink with two ladies! Come inside, we'll tell you everything!!" she declared. Lily and James went inside, taking off their coats and scarves.

Marlene led them inside the house, up the stairs and into a big living room, where a couple of children were playing around on toy broomsticks, an elderly-looking couple were talking softly to each other and a man about Marlene's age was putting out cups of hot chocolate for the little ones. James ran straight to the man and they hugged each other. "JAMES! LILY! I'm so happy to see you here! Well, not really, but still! Is Harry still down there or..." Lily shook her head. "No, Voldemort couldn't kill him. Now he's at his Aunt and Uncle's house." Blaise, Marlene's husband stared, open mouthed, at them. "WHAT?! But he's just a baby! Voldemort killed the Bones but he couldn't kill a baby? That's...that's just....well, impossible, frankly!" James shrugged. "I guess he's got lots of his mother's blood in him!" Lily scowled at him. "And just WHAT is that supposed to mean, deerest?" James flushed. "Uh, nothing, love!" "That's what I thought" smiled Lily. Marlene stared at them, amused. "It's just like old times, isn't it? Well, would you sit down for a cup of cocoa? We have some explaining to do."

AN| Hi! Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it! -Lily-Luna

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