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AN| I hope you enjoy it!

1st of November 1981, the morning

When Petunia opened her door to find a baby instead of milk bottles on her doorstep, she screamed. "VERNON! LOOK! COME HERE QUICKLY!" Intrigued, Vernon Dursley waddled his way to the front door. His wife had a little bundle in her arms, and was reading a letter which had come with the mysterious package. Suddenly, the 'package' cried really loudly. Vernon yelled. He wanted that thing out of his doorstep as soon as possible. "What's this then?" he asked Petunia. "H-h-harry Potter, our nephew." She squeaked out. "What's he doing here, then?" "Gone and got themselves killed. That strange dark w-w-w-wizard-d-d did them off! Now we have to take care of their brat." Vernon snorted. "Well, I'm not keeping that kind in my house, no sir, not me. Going off to an orphanage the moment I get a reply from them." Petunia glanced at him. "Vernon, we should keep him. He is our nephew..." So the little baby got whisked off to the cupboard, where he was going to stay for ten, long years.

3rd of November 1981, Morning

Lily and James woke up in their bed, tired after last night's dinner. Marlene had been the last to leave, and she had left very late indeed.

After breakfast, Lily went over to Marlene's to ask her something. She was wondering if you could see what was happening down on earth, she wanted to see her baby Harry. Marlene opened the door, still in her pajamas which were very adorably designed with little black cats and broomsticks. "Waddayawan?" She yawned. Lily frowned at her. "You're STILL not up? I just wanted to ask if I can see on earth somehow..." Marlene looked at her sleepily. "Jus lookie ou'side your win'ow and youuuu caann tell it' where you wanna look... NOW LEMME HAVE MY BEAUTY SLEEP!" Lily shook her head, laughing. "Bye Mar!" Lily decided to continue exploring the Hogsmeade of Heaven to pass the morning. She got a portable Waterbeer and went up to the Haunted Shack. There was a signpost saying 'at your own risk' which made the visit decidedly more exciting.

James Potter was testing out a broom he found in their shed. He was swooping around and yelling his heart out. He got his coat and zoomed out of the house to explore Heaven from high up. He spotted a few people milling around "Hogsmeade" and in the distance he thought he saw some people sliding down a hill with weird contraptions on their feet. He thought it must be the Muggle area of Heaven, because only Muggles would be crazy enough to do that. He was so lost in his thinking that he didn't notice an owl flying straight towards him. He swerved to the left and the owl hooted angrily at him. He swerved a little too much, though, because next thing he knew he was tumbling through a tree straight towards the Haunted Shack. He crashed through the roof and found himself dangling on his broom by only one foot, Lily staring up at him, shocked. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF MERLIN'S BOXERS, JAMES POTTER YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!" She yelled at him. James visibly gulped. He ran a hand through his hair. "Look, Lily, I-i-i" The brilliant James Potter stuttered. "YOU ARE GOING TO BE KILLED JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER SO YOU'D BETTER RUN NOW BEFORE I TURN YOU INTO MINCED MEAT!" Lily screamed at him. James heaved himself up on the broom effortlessly and twisted away into the air. "See you later, Evans" He smirked like when he used to annoy her at school, and flew off. Lily screamed so loudly a branch fell through the hole in the roof of the shack. He was such an infuriating, immature, stupid idiot! She yelled in frustration. Then, she got down to business. Half an hour later, Lily smirked at the sky. James Potter was going to pay. Mwahahahahahaha Hahahaha!

But not before she checked on her little baby Harry.

Lily walked quickly back to the cottage, smiling the whole way. When she got home, it was strangely quiet. She crept into the living room, only to see that her husband wasn't there. A little gold paper flew down and touched her nose. FOR MRS POTTER was written on the front in James' scrawly handwriting. Lily took the note and opened it. Inside were inscribed the words:

Hey, Lils, don't be mad please! I've gone to hide at Blaise and Marlene's house, I'll be back soon Love, Jamesie xoxo

Lily smiled mischievously. Then, she went to her bedroom window. "I'd like to see Sirius, please" She felt a bit dumb talking to a window but, oh well! The window turned dark and it opened. Lily put her head through it and saw a man, sitting on the floor, in a room that looked like a prison cell. A dementor came into view and Lily realised Sirius was in Azkaban. What was he doing there?! More importantly, WHERE WAS HARRY?! Suddenly, Sirius mumbled something. "Pettigrew you traitor, how dare you, how dare you betray them. I'M IN AZKABAN AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT YOU TRAITOROUS SNEAKY RAT" he yelled suddenly. The dementors weren't even fazed. It suddenly dawned on Lily what had happened. Peter had betrayed her and James. It was all Peter's fault! He was with He Who Must Not Be Named! Lily yelled out to Sirius, hoping he would hear her, hoping he would even see her. But in vain. The little figure of Sirius Black faded away as Lily sobbed, a mess on the floor. Lily heard the door creak open and someone try to tiptoe into the house. "Lils? Are you there?" The voice of James came from the stairs, as he followed the sound of her crying to their bedroom. "Lily, love, are you all right?" He asked in a caring tone as he went to hug her on the ground. "Is it because of what I did? Are you that mad?" Lily shook her head, pointing at their window. "S-s-sirius, h-h-he's, oh James!" James looked puzzled as he went over to the window. He called out Sirius and the scene transformed back into Azkaban. "WHAT IS PADFOOT DOING IN AZKABAN?!" He roared. So Lily explained it to him, and by the end, Prongs looked downright murderous. "I'M GOING TO KILL WORMTAIL HOW DARE HE BETRAY US THAT LITTLE S-" Lily gave him a look. "SUPER MEAN RAT!" James finished. Then he made for the door. "Bye love, just going to make Merlin let me go back to earth" And he swung out of the door, a glare on his face, his face twisted in a ferocious expression. Lily shook her head. There was no use stopping him. She put herself together and started making lunch. She would check on Harry after.

AN| Thanks for reading! Hugs 🤗 and blue cookies 🍪🍪🍪 to people who read this! -Lily-Luna 

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