The Sorting

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AN| I'm going to put Jily fanart and gifs when I don't find an image too relevant to the chapter! :) Also, I don't know if I've mentioned this but the long sentences in italic come from the book. So, not mine.

"So, what can I do for you today, Mr and Mrs Potter?" Merlin beamed genially at them. "Do you want to apply for jobs, or for passes to human Heaven?" Lily started shaking her head then changed her mind. "Actually yes to both, but we had a little question for you..." She trailed off. "We want to be able to descend to earth and that people can see us and hear us." James put bluntly. Merlin frowned. "I'm afraid that is impossible. You will understand when you grow as old as me." Lily stared at James. They both had an impression of déjà-vu. "But, why?" asked James. "That's life, Mr Potter. Or rather, afterlife." He chuckled at his own joke. Lily forced a smile. "Thank you for answering our question. Now about passes and jobs....?"

Twenty minutes later they walked out of the building. "Don't you think he reminded you of Dumbledore?" asked James. "Yes! The way he speaks condescendingly and the way he knows he's more important than you. But also, the way you would think of him as a really powerful Good wizard. The one who protects everyone, you know?" Lily answered. "Uh hmm. Anyway! We have jobs now and we can go visit your parents whenever we want! Isn't that good, Lilyflower?" "I suppose..." Lily said sadly. "It's just...we can't tell Dumbledore not to put Harry with the Dursleys, we can't let Sirius be free from Azkaban, we can't tell the Wizarding world that Wormtail is a traitor...I feel as if we could do so many things, there's just the problem that we're dead." "Which is just a teeny tiny little problem, right?" James joked. Lily laughed. "Okay, come on let's go back, I have a shopping session with Marlene. We need to buy new dresses from Beatrix's Beautiful Ballroom." And with that, the pair set off to Potter Cottage.

10 years later

"JAMES! GO OPEN THE DOOR! You parents are here, sweetie." James grumbled and put aside his Quidditch magazine. He had been looking at the top new racing brooms of the year. "Hi Mum, hullo Dad." James led them inside. So, what house do you think he's going to be in?" Fleamont Potter asked. They had decided to have a big dinner in honor of Harry's Sorting. Over the past years, they had watched Harry grow alongside their friends and family. James insulted the Dursleys daily, and had been extremely happy to meet Fred and George. Lily was pleased that Harry had made friends with Molly's son, and she saw a bit of herself in Hermione Granger. They had also seen Neville briefly, and James had commented on how Mrs Longbottom "still dressed atrociously after all these years". James was also ecstatic at how his little Prongslet had refused to be friends with Lucius' scum. He also despaired in fact that Harry didn't know about Quidditch, making him burst into (fake) tears in Lily's arms about how his little fawn couldn't already be  a Quidditch star. Both of them had gone to complain to Merlin numerous times about not being able to tell Dumbledore nicely that Harry should be removed from the Dursleys immediately. Now, after all these years, they were about to see their little boy be Sorted. Lily went to get crisps and drink from the kitchen whilst James welcomed more people.

There were James' parents, Lily's parents, Fabian and Gideon, Marlene's family, Dorcas Meadowes, Edgar Bones and his family, and a few friends they had made. They all gathered in the living room, on the sofa, in the armchairs Lily had conjured. They turned on the projector and snuffed out the lights. As the years in Heaven had passed, new technology had been created which permitted the witch or wizard who wanted to see on earth a better view than from a tiny window. As everyone grabbed their drink, the film began to play. 

Move along now," said a sharp voice. "The Sorting Ceremony's about to start."
Professor McGonagall had returned. One by one, the ghosts floated away through the opposite wall.
"Now, form a line," Professor McGonagall told the first years, "and follow me."

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