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A/N|  I just wanted to put that song so yeah! :) Enjoy! :)

It was a understatement to say that Lily was annoyed. Her son had gone and almost gotten himself and his friends killed because he suspected Severus. Lily was angry. At Severus Snape for being so ignoble towards her child, at Harry, for being an impulsive idiot like James, at Dumbledore for being so annoying, enigmatic and not present. Her little boy was being even more reckless than James, and she was not liking it, one. single. bit. 

James, of course, was proud of his little Gryffindor, and ecstatic that he managed to get himself into so much trouble. He calmed down when Lily sent him one of her patented death glares, the ones that made you shiver, and that were accompanied by a sweet, sugary, smile. The type to scare you for life into obeying Lily Potter. 

"I can't believe it. Our son has landed himself in the hospital wing and you're HAPPY?!" Lily Potter was scolding her husband. James cowered under her withering scowl. He was kind of secretly happy about his little Pronglset following in his hoofsteps, but there was no way he was going to say that to Lily. That woman may look all sweet and angelic, but she was scary when she wanted to be. 

Well, that was nothing compared to Molly Weasley. 

James had had a great time watching Molly scolding her two little pranksters. That woman was positively horrifying when she wanted to be. It was impressive the number of times the twins had managed to prank people and gotten away with it, though. It was also stunning how they those two were able to stop all the letters Dumbledore sent to their mother. How they managed it, James had no idea. 

In a way, he was proud of them as if they had been his own family, they almost felt like kin to him, because they were so much like the Marauders, the two of them with that Lee Jordan. All they were missing was a traitorous, rat-faced, little sniveling Pettigrew in their group and they were good to go! He thought sourly. 

James glowered as that particular thought passed in his head. He should stop thinking like that. Back to Fred and George, those two had even invented a spell to quiet a Howler! They were magical geniuses with a huge sense of fun! He was sure they would go on to invent more fabulous things! Who knows, they might even start their own joke shop one day! 

Lily was staring at James, perplexed. She had a feeling he was in deep thinking. At one moment, his forehead had creased, his lips had turned a little down, his eyes had darkened for barely a second. She had started forward for only a half second, but his frown had lessened and he had recaptured a little sparkle in his eye. All of this happened in a few seconds, but Lily perceived all of this and more. She had a very acute sense for when James wasn't happy. It didn't come up very often but when it did, no one but her could see it. 

They both blinked and looked at each other at the same time. Lily came over to him and just hugged him. "Are you okay, James?" She rarely used his name like that, normally she used a babyish voice or said 'Jamesie' or another cute nickname, but not this time. She was actually serious. He looked down at her and stared straight into her eyes. She blushed, for some reason, but didn't draw her eyes away. 

(James flashback)

Lily was rushing through the corridors, trying to avoid people and stumbling into them anyway. James was coming from the opposite direction and he was alone, studying a bit of paper intensely, a frown on his face. The two were at the beginning of their seventh year, and both were looking quite troubled. Suddenly, Lily tripped and was sent sprawling on the floor. Her books fell out of her arms and were strewn all over the floor around her. 

James pushed his glasses up on his nose absentmindedly, and almost fell over something on the floor in front of him. He was about to exclaim angrily, when he realised he was looking at Lily Evans, her face against the floor, not moving. He quickly grabbed her elbows and heaved her up. There was no one around to help him. He put all her various textbooks back in her bookbag and set her against a wall. He knew he should bring her to Madam Pomfrey, but he wanted to look after her himself. He cast a spell to wake her up and brushed her red hair across her face. He managed to adjust her green headband in her fiery hair, and sped away as fast as he had come. He didn't want her to know it was him. She would probably be repulsed by the idea of 'that Potter boy' saving her. He had left her a note, though: 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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