Happy Deathday, Jily!

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AN| Little mini chapter in honor of Jily's Deathday! I hope you enjoy it!                       

1st Deathday, 31st October 1982

"Wake up, James! It's our Deathday today! Marlene said she planned a small party so we need to go prepare ourselves! Only two hours for you to style your hair, get dressed and nap for fifty million more minutes." James jerked awake after his nap. "WHAT! MY HAIR!" And he rushed off to the bathroom. Lily just shook her head and smiled. He would never change. 

2nd Deathday, 31st October, 1983

"LILY! I THINK I SET THE CURTAINS ON FIRE!" James yelled through the house. Lily woke up with James' screaming. What a pleasant way to greet the day. She groaned and turned over, mushing her pillow under her cheek. She grabbed her little doe teddy and settled in comfortably. Then she sat up with a start. "YOU WHAT?!" She screamed. She quickly put on her bunny slippers and her Gryffindor night robe and she rushed out of the door.

3rd Deathday, 31st October, 1984

Lily was humming to herself, stirring her hot chocolate, when James appeared in the kitchen, snow in his hair. "I'm so excited!" He told her happily. He looked like a little boy who was ready to open Christmas presents. Today was the day he started working for his new company. He was about to go work with the people who created broomsticks, specially in the child department. He had just been at Blaise and Marlene's house for morning tea. He smiled cheerfully at her. "And how's my lovely wife, on this fine winter morning?" He was particularly mushy when he was happy. A very Potter thing.  "I'm fine, Jamesie. Did you get post?"She asked. "Well.......I might have forgotten....." He inched away from his wife. "Er...I'll just....byeee!" And he sped out of the door faster than you can say Quidditch! "JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER, I TOLD YOU-" James was far away, zooming through the sky on his top-of-the-line broom.

4th Deathday, 31st October, 1985

"Hi, Lily, James!" Marlene opened the door for them. "So are you ready to party?!" Lily giggled at her. "Good evening, Mar, I'm sure James is already in party mode!" Marlene frowned at her. "You didn't bring a book, did you?" She asked disapprovingly. Lily looked away from her gaze, blushing. "Um.......Maybe?" Marlene scowled. "Well at least we'll have someone to give the trick or treating children sweets." Lily just smiled sheepishly. "Well, well, well, look who we have here..." James intoned appearing at the door. "You told me you'd be here half an hour ago, Lils!" He complained. "Well, I was reading the last few chapters and I just really couldn't put it down...You should read it James! It's a really good Muggle book! I know, it's probably boring for you but I loved it! It's still fantastic! To Kill A Caladrius is really interesting, you know! It's all abou-" James leaned down and kissed her. "There. Now come join the party!" And he vanished inside. Marlene followed him in and left Lily on the doorstep, blushing. They were married! She shouldn't be this fazed by it. She shook her head, walked inside, went up to James, and kissed him too. 

5th Deathday, 31st October, 1986

"Love?" James asked her. "Hmm hmm," Lily mumbled. "Can we stay inside today?" Lily looked up at him. "What? You don't want to go to the party?!" She was very surprised. Usually, James was all for partying at any occasion. "Well, maybe we can go, but later in the night. I wanna spend the day with you, Lils." James told her. Now, Lily was was fully awake. "You want to go to the party, LATE?!" James just shrugged nonchalantly, "Yeah, why not?" Lily frowned. She touched his forehead. "You're not burning up, hmm..." James just laughed at her. "Lilyflower, I just want to spend the day with you!" Then he kissed her. Lily abruptly tore away and walked to the home phone. "I'm going to call the doctor, okay? Just stay in bed, don't worry, sweetheart." Lily said to him. James scowled. He walked up to her, hung up the phone and carried her bridal style to the bed. There, he plopped her down and started kissing her passionately. Lily giggled like a teenager. She still had butterflies when she saw him, still blushed when he kissed her in front of everyone, was mortified by, namely Marlene's, jokes about the two of them, and she still had trouble wrapping her head around the fact that the handsome, caring, sweet, gentle, funny, intelligent, fantastic and wonderful was in fact James Potter and he was her's. And they were married! She laughed again and went back to kissing him. Happy Deathday to her!

AN| I hope you liked it! Thanks for reading! :) If you have constructive criticism then I'm always happy to hear it! :)                                                                                                                                                 -Lily Luna

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