My Lady Greensleeves

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James and Lily had both burst into tears when Harry had discovered the Mirror of Erised. Well, Lily had and James had pretended not to. But Lily had seen the little droplets of clear liquid leave his eyes, the way they streamed down his face whilst he put on a smile.

They were saddened to see him coming back every night, bringing Ron one of those times. They were intrigued when they saw that Dumbledore was watching him, surprised when the Headmaster asked Harry not to come back. They protested but of course no one could hear them. Lily laughed dryly when he told Harry he could see himself holding a pair of woolen socks. Harry was too naive to understand he was lying. 

James was angry when he heard that Snape was refereeing Harry's next match, as sure as Harry that it was to sabotage Gryffindor's chances. Lily saw right through it since she paid closer attention to other details of what was happening other than Quidditch and 'the brilliant things those wonderful Weasley twins do'. Then she got a bit worried when he found out who Nicholas Flamel was. She wouldn't want her son getting into trouble. 

"Come on, Lilypad, cheer up!" James exclaimed. She frowned and bit her lip. "But.........." James took her by the arm. "Come on, Lils, I'm going to take you somewhere okay? We can bring Marlene and Blaise too if you want to." She shook her head."No, we see them all the time. Can we go on a date, just the two of us? I'll organise a big party this weekend if you want, with the whole gang and then we can do Sunday lunch with our parents. Please Jae?" She knew he couldn't resist that nickname. "Okay, fine. But I'm surprising you. You can just go read or shop or fly or do stuff with Marlene until seven. Then I'll be waiting at the door, ready to take you on our date, just like before." He grinned his most charming smile and swept out of the door. 

Hours later, after going shopping with Marlene, finishing her new book and getting ready, Lily was sitting on an armchair by the fireplace, waiting for James to arrive. 

James was outside, nervously brushing his hand through his hair, his other hand fiddling with the little box in his pocket. Finally, he knocked. 

As Lily went to open the door, she quickly put up the green flower in her hair, tucking it neatly in the sparkling white hair clip (AN| PHOTOS AT THE BOTTOM) and arranging the folds of her green sleeves (GO SEE THE TOP (; ). She swung open the door and gasped. James was in a black and white costume, all fancy and with a bouquet of flowers in one hand. His eyes were glittering mischievously, a huge, real, goofy smile etched across his face. His dimples were showing and his hair was ruffled handsomely. He had one hand on the back of his neck, shuffling around nervously staring at the brown doormat. 

James looked up just in time to hear Lily's gasp, and when he saw her, his jaw dropped too. She was in a stunning green gown, glittering in the moonlight. At her throat was a beautiful gold necklace, matching her earrings, bracelet and ring. In her hair, a little green tinted lily was attached to a gold hair clip. The jewelry brought out the flecks of light in her emerald eyes, and the forest green tie James was bearing went perfectly with her dress. Lily blushed when she saw the way he was staring at her, just like he had on their first date. 

Lily tentatively put her head through the hole. James was waiting just outside, leaning against the wall. "James?" She almost whispered. James started and turned around. When he saw her, he could find no words to describe the exquisite beauty and charm he was seeing. Lily blushed scarlet when she saw him staring at her. "You look...beautiful," he told her. She blushed again then stammered out a "Well you're quite handsome too."  He laughed and reached up to put a strand of hair behind her ear. "Shall we go?" He asked, in his most gentlemanly tone. "We shall," she giggled, taking his hand as he led her to an unknown destination. They arrived a few minutes later to a clearing near the Forbidden Forest, which James assured her was safe. A light melody was playing in the air as they sat down on the checkered blanket. He opened a basket and brought out food and a bottle of elf-made wine. An hour later, they were swaying to the tune of Greensleeves, enraptured in each other.

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