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Little black dress just walked into the room
Makin' heads turn. Can't stop looking at you

PEYTON COULDN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT the song that Luke wrote. She tried to forget it, but simply couldn't.

Monday morning arrived and it hit her like a train. She turned off 6:30 AM alarm and closed her eyes again, rotating her body for it to look at the ceiling.

Senior year of high school started today. Last year of messing up, yelling at the band in the hallways, bumping into Ella on the corners studying and using the ladies' room to escape from Luke's insisting conversations.

Not even her house was safe.

As she got out of the shower all dressed up with her hair on a messy ponytail, she stared at her backpack filled with books and tried to put her art supplies too.

Peyton walked out of her room to the hallway, when the voices in the house came clearer.

"Luke! Stop bugging me!" Yelled Ella from downstairs. "You are impossible!"

"Leave it alone, Cinderella!" She heard her best friend's response.

She sighed tiredly, walking downstairs towards the kitchen just to find Luke and Ella fighting over a waffle.

"Could you leave your fight for other time which isn't a Monday morning?" Asked Peyton in a whisper, holding a yawn as she place two waffles on the toaster. "How do you guys have so much energy?"

"It's because you are used to recharging your power with caffeine like a freaking workaholic," replied Luke, grabbing half of Ella's waffle and eating it, making the girl even angrier. "You should stop drinking so much coffee, you'd have a weak immune system."

Peyton's been hearing that since middle school and that hasn't stopped her from drinking coffee. She loved it, black and simple coffee.

"Good morning, early birds," said Peyton's mom as she kissed her daughter's forehead. "How are you preparing yourself for your first day of senior year?" She asked them she messed with Luke's hair and the kissed Ella's cheek. "Any prank already planned Luke?"

"Actually, glad that you are asking. The guys and I have several ideas and I named them as 80s films' characters."

"Not surprised by that," commented Peyton as she gave one of the waffles to her best friend.

"Thanks," he whispered before looking at Momma Swan, as he called her. "We got the Ferris Bueller one, which is that we call in sick one day and then hit the Dodgers game, but that's more a mission than a prank. We also got the Marty McFly, where we dress up as time travelers from the future and scare the librarian! She's like 80 years old so we fear she might have a stroke while we do it, so that's on stand by."

Peyton laughed at her best friend's craziness, yet, she would pay a million dollars to see them perform any of these pranks.

"We got the Johnny Castle, where we hire a lot of dancers and we make them perform in the cafeteria in the middle of the day, which sounds better in action than on paper, trust me."

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓, luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now