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I really picture the guy as 5SOS
most of the songs from now on that
Luke "supposedly," wrote is gonna be
5SOS or 1D songs and one or other original
from me

Also, listen to the song when the guys start
performing really important


Hold you tight straight through the daylight,
I'm right here when you gonna realize
that I'm your cure, heartbreak girl

        "IF I COULD MAKE LOVE TO AN OBJECT, IT WOULD BE THAT," said Luke as he stared at the Battle of the Bands' prize.

"Sweet Lord Jesus, it's so beautiful," mumbled Alex.

"Can I touch it?" Asked Reggie extending his arm, but Luke hit him before he could.

"You are going to leave Cheeto stains all over her," he told him seriously, making, Ella, Julie and Peyton chuckle.

"Her? You think the recording set is a woman?" Questioned Peyton who was standing next to him.

"It's not just her," whispered Alex, "it's a queen her."

"And what's her name?" Interrogated Julie as she looked at her bandmates.

"Phoebe," answered Alex.

"Phoebe," repeated Luke and Reggie with a hypnotized tone.

"I need to get that recording set," ended up saying Luke, placing his hand on Reggie's shoulder. "It is beautiful."

"Well, then you should be prepared. Look who just came in."

Everyone turned around to look at the other popular band there was at school: Sin & Tragedy.

"Look who it is!" Exclaimed the bassist Mike as he and his three bandmates walked in into the gym. "What's up Sunset Swerve!?"

"Sunset Curve!" Yelled the four members of the band, making their rivals laugh.

"Why do you need the Battle of the Bands anyways? Don't you have so many labels after you guys?" Questioned the drummer Sean with a smirk. "Did they reject you?"

"We just wanted to rock your heads off before we become famous while you still play at school dances," replied Reggie.

The lead vocalist and guitarist Isaac stepped forward with a mocking smile, looking at them.

"I found out you aren't the lead singer of your own band anymore, Patterson. What happened? Did you finally realized you aren't good?"

"Did you finally stop sampling songs and started writing your own or did you realized you don't have enough talent to do it, Evans?"

Isaac chuckled before turning around to look at Peyton. "Pey, always good to see you." He winked at her before turning around, walking towards his bandmates. "Let's go guys. Why waste our time?" He quickly looked to the band one more time, walking backwards. "Hope you enjoy our performance, Swerves!"

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓, luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now