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Yes I would die for you, baby.
But you won't do the same


Julie's little brother was holding a videocamera as he recorded the, what he thought was, the empty garage.

"I can sense there are ghosts here," he said to the recording. Luke and Peyton slowly moved towards the edge of the loft, hiding behind the desk and watching Carlos, holding their laughter. "Spirits! Show yourselves."

Peyton silently grabbed one of her pens on her desk and threw it towards Alex drums. This bounced on the instrument making it sound. That made Carlos jump.

"Oh God," they heard the boy whisper and both tried to hold their laughs. "Are you good spirits or bad spirits?"

"Terribly bad," mumbled Luke to Peyton's ears before grabbing a pencil sharpener and throwing it at one of the vases of the coffee table, making it fall.

Carlos quickly turned around, scared for his life but also terribly excited.

"I'll take that as bad spirits," he whispered before walking backwards towards the garage door. As soon as he was outside, he sprinted back into the house as soon as possible.

Both Luke and Peyton fall onto the floor laughing, holding their stomachs as they couldn't control themselves. Both looked at each other, trying to breathe normally again as they still couldn't stop smiling.

"He was so scared," whispered Peyton to Luke.

"He was so sure of himself and five seconds later he did a Tom Hanks and just left." Peyton started to laugh again.

"That was funny I gotta admit," she whispered as a smile appeared on her face. "Well, I'm heading out." She announced as she started to stand up, but Luke grabbed her hand.

"Where are you going? I thought we were having fun," he said, showing her his puppy eyes. She rolled her eyes.

"As much as I love being your manager, you don't pay me. The cafeteria does and I can't be late. And you have to rehearse with the guys if you want to beat Sin & Tragedy's ass in the battle of bands."

Luke sighed. "Forgot they were signed up too. Why don't you tell Aura to cover your shift?" He begged, still holding her hand and not letting her go. "We can watch Miss Americana again if you want."

"I need to go to work, Luke."

"Please," he asked again. "Stay..."

The way he said that word and how his green eyes sparkled, Peyton couldn't even resist. She sat down again, grabbing her phone and texting Aura.

"If she gives me her morning shift on Saturday it is your fault."

"I'll make you company."

He grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him. Her back hit softly his chest, and she laid her head on his shoulder while he grabbed the laptop, entering Netflix.

His arms were around her waist and the laptop on her legs. Peyton could feel Luke's cheek on hers, his eyes focusing on the screen as Taylor Swift's voice started sounding.


"I'm telling you, Julie, there's no one in the garage," her little brother said to her as they walked towards the garage joined by Reggie and Alex.

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓, luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now