twenty one

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keep listening to the playlist with the setlist

T W E N T Y  O N E

Broken boy meets broken girl


"You sure he's alright?" Carrie asked her, and Ella replied.

"If he isn't he will just pass out."

Peyton rolled her eyes, and was about to say something to her sister when Emily intervened.

"Is Luke alright?"

"Yeah, don't worry, Mrs. Patterson," lied Peyton.

"Does it have to do with me appearing?" Peyton exhaled.

"I don't think... Mrs. Patterson. He's just not used to playing for so long."

"All the pinups in magazines. Movie stars on the silver screen. Don't do anything for me. Can't you see? What you get is what you see. No more maybe it's maybelline. She can give you everything you need. What you need."

Luke's voice sounded raspy, more than usual. That alerted Peyton.

"She's the girl next door. Nice but naughty. A heart that's pure. She's the girl next door. Just for me."

Peyton smiled when she heard the lyrics. She held on to the balcony railing, smiling at him widely.

"You can take her home to mom. 'Cause she's got that small-town charm. That glows anytime you want and more. And you know she's your biggest fan. 'Cause she'll cancel her plans. Give you everything she can till the end. Till the end"

"What do you think is happening to him?" Whispered Ella and she just shrugged her shoulders.

"He'll be alright."

"She's the girl next door. Nice but naughty. A heart that's pure. She's the girl next door. Just for me"

"I think I'll take a walk and tell her if she's home. Maybe not, I think I'll call her on the phone. Or am I better off alone?"

He continued to play, closing his eyes and smiling a little.

"She's the girl next door. Nice but naughty. A heart that's pure. She's the girl next door. Just for me. She's the girl next door. Nice but naughty. A heart that's pure. She's the girl next door. Just for me."

The song ended and he immediately sat down at the edge of the stage, placing the small mic that goes around his ear and turning it on, holding on to his guitar. The girls that were there tried to grab his feet, and he just smiled as he slowly played the intro of the next song.

"Did he really just... sit down?" Asked Willie and Peyton nodded. "He did it so casually."

"Yeah..." whispered the girl. "Too casually."

"Through the wire, through the wire, through the wire. I'm watching her dance, dress is catching the light. In her eyes there's no lies, no lies. There's no question, she's not in a disguise," he sang with a wide smile before Julie sang the pre chorus, sitting next to him.

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓, luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now