SchoolNurse!Ichimatsu and Student!Reader

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Inspired by ara_jhoo's prompt.

"Hey, Human Disaster," One of my classmates called out my high school nickname, "You know that P.E. is going to be baseball, right?"

I withheld a groan as I pulled out the small bag holding my gym clothes, waiting until the boys left before changing clothes with the other girls.

"Mr. Matsuno really hates you, I guess," Another girl laughed out loud before the talk shifted to another topic. I pulled the white shirt over my head, tucking the ends into my shorts and tying my hair back into a ponytail. I hated wearing the gym clothes because they didn't offer much cover from the prying eyes that wanted to see my scar-riddled body.

I have been accident prone ever since I was a baby, drawing some kind of supernatural ire as I stumbled and staggered my way through life. I bruised easily and my skin was thinner than usual, allowing smaller things that never would have left a mark for someone else to cut me like I was paper. I didn't go out of my way to get hurt or anything, it just happened to find me.

For example, I had attended my good friend's soccer match when he was playing in the middle school team, sitting far enough from the sidelines to where I thought nothing would hit me. One of his team's kicks found my head, the wild ball nearly knocking me out. I supported his team virtually ever since, following their live streams of matches and cheering along with the physical crowd.

His name is Tayoka Hyoshiru and he is now the captain of the soccer team at our high school, wanting to finish our third year strong.

I didn't have the heart to join any physical sports...but the gym teacher was all about them.

I filed out of the classroom with the other girls, walking from the school to the baseball field and looked over at the gathering of boys, finding Tayoka among the throng of classmates. The gym teacher, Mr. Matsuno, stood by a rack of baseball bats and a large basket of baseballs, his usual smile resting on his lips as he regarded his class. The thick dark hair moved with the slight breeze as his eyes swept over the students.

"How many of you have played baseball before?" His loud voice echoed over the empty field, prompting a few students to raise their hands, "Well, it's time for the rest of you to play this fun game."

He handed out the bats to a few students, instructing the class on how to use them correctly before telling his class about the different positions on the field. My classmates joked about making me the catcher, since my inhuman back luck would draw every single ball past the hitter. I protested, not wanting to be in the line of fire from the pitcher who was on the school's baseball team.

Despite my insistence, my position of catcher was ensured and the game started between both classes. I was shoved into a squatting position by the pitcher and briefed on some of the throws that he was going to do, my mind questioning the words that he was using before I heard Mr. Matsuno call the start of the game.

I could only brace myself for the inevitable, the large glove not doing much to lessen the fast pitches that I somehow managed to catch. Taunts from both teams sounded out as the batter swung hard on a fast ball, the wood cracking out the hit as the ball continued to spin over the bat. I moved the glove to try and catch the rogue ball, the edge of the patch between the thumb and index finger of the glove barely touching the rotating ball before it slammed into my cheek. Turning my head at the last moment had saved my nose from a brutal hit by the ball, but I grunted as the ball lost all momentum and fell to the ground, feeling a red welt starting to swell near my cheekbone.

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