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688 19 45

— Good Morning || Chapter 1
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I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping. It was always nice waking up to that sound, I loved how it was always quiet where I lived. Even though I lived in an apartment it was still mostly peaceful. The other people who lived here were mostly adults or elders so you didn't have to try to go to sleep with loud, irritating, music at 2 am.

I put my hand behind my back for some leverage to push my body off of my comfortable bed. I pushed up and was now sitting in the middle of my bed. I looked over at my alarm clock. I had woken up about an hour before it was supposed to go off.

"I guess I should just get ready for school," I sighed. I got onto my feet and went over to the kitchen. I just made myself a bowl of cereal because I had no motivation to cook.

I looked out the window while I used my spoon to scoop out the cereal. Everything was giving me no motivation. Nothing was interesting anymore. Everything was just stressful. I kind of hated it. I barely had any friends or aquatints so it was usually super boring.

Once I was done with my cereal I cleaned the bowl and changed into some clothes. I then brushed my teeth and did basic hygiene. I ended up having only 30 minutes until I had to go to University. I got my bag together and walked out of the door.

"Good morning Nagito!" I turned my head over to where the voice had come from. It was Makoto-san. She was a woman who had a kid named Shuichi and she shared the apartment with her husband Kyoko.

"Good morning Makoto-san," I greeted the woman. "Have a nice day at school! Have fun!" Makoto smiled cheerfully. I just simply nodded and walked down the stairs to head over to the subway.

I walked onto the subway and there were surprisingly not a lot of people. I took a seat since there were multiple seats that didn't have anybody seated in them. I only got up if there was a person that needed a seat. I hated standing because if I stand in a place for too long my legs give out. I also hate crowded places. It feels like I'm trapped and I can't breathe.

୧ *·˚ time skip┆↰

The train finally stopped near the University and I got off, I had to walk to the school for a little bit because it was located farther away from the subway.

Once I got up to the University it already felt overwhelming. I hate it when stress is put upon me, it makes me want to puke out my guts.

I smothered my thoughts and walked into the building. Everything was pale and dull inside. It made me even less excited. The only thing I guess was colorful was the after school club posters or the notices for when people were going to have parties at their houses. I never was interested in parties. I hate the loud music they play, I hate loud things in general.

I walked through the door where my first class was. I was quite early so there was only a handful of people in there. I took my seat near the back and waited for class to start.

"Hey, Nagito!" I jolted when I heard my name being called since I was zoning out. I turned my head next to my desk to see my friend Kazuichi. I mean, I guess we were friends, she always wanted me to go to her parties or other parties which I always declined because like I said, I hate parties.

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