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— Fine, I'll Go || Chapter 2
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I gathered my equipment and headed out the door, I tried to hide the fact that I just found a girl that I only talked to twice cute and attractive.

I sat down on a bench when I was about halfway to the subway, it didn't take very long to get there and I had plenty of time to sprint there if I needed to.

Once I sat down my phone had buzzed. I turned on the screen to see I had gotten a message from Kazuichi-San, I opened up the message to reply to her.

Kazuichi - 3:15 pm

Hey Nagito!

You - 3:15 pm


Kazuichi - 3:16 pm

Can you pleaseeeeee come to Mioda's party tonight? I really want you to come because I wanna introduce you to some people! It'll be fun I swear! Sonia is gonna be there too! Well, not like your really interested in him, but pleaseeee just this once??

I sighed and thought about it a little. I hated everything about parties but Kazuichi-San sounded like she wanted me to come really bad. I kind of felt bad if I was being honest.

You - 3:18 pm

Fine, just this once. I'm only doing this because you really want me to go...

Kazuichi - 3:18 pm




You - 3:19 pm

Yeah yeah, like I said just this once since you know how much I don't like parties

Kazuichi - 3:20 pm

Yep! I sure do! But seriously, thank you so much. I sometimes get a little lonely when I'm at parties 😔 so I can't wait for you to come!

I didn't respond but I had a feeling she knew I was smiling at her energetic texts. Kazuichi is quite a handle to take care of but I'm glad she's, well, my only friend.

I turned off my phone and got up to head back to the subway. I hopped on the train just in time, it was crowded but not as crowded as it can be. I've seen and been inside much more crowded subways.

Once I  got home I immediately went into my apartment and took my shoes off. I went over to the fridge to get some cold water, I was dehydrated and needed something to drink. Guess I should go shopping soon.

I occasionally forget to buy groceries, I know it's a bad habit but I usually forget because I'm either studying or doing something else that distracts me. I plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV, I know the news is boring but I like to see what's going on once in a while.

Soon enough I got bored so I went into my room with my phone. I sat down on my soft bed and turned on my laptop. I decided to go through some social media. I'm not too big on social media but it's fun to look at it. I usually look through funny videos and art.

After about an hour of doing that, I checked the time, it had been around 4:30 pm. I decided to text Kazuichi-San what time the party was going to be.

You - 4:24 pm

Hey, Kazuichi-San?

Kazuichi - 4:25 pm

What's up

You - 4:25 pm

I was just wondering, what was the time the party starts?

Kazuichi - 4:25 pm

The party starts at 6 pm!

Ah, I should get ready soon, I still have about an hour and a half but I sometimes take quite some time when getting ready.

You - 4:26 pm

Thank you Kazuichi-San

Kazuichi - 4:26 pm

No need to thank me!

I turned off my phone and decided to pick out an outfit. I wanted to look good yet casual.

I ended up picking a red sweater, a plaid skirt with a belt, some fishnets, and some kinda chunky boots. I thought it looked nice.

I changed into the outfit I had chosen and looked myself into the mirror. For being super self-deprecating I thought I looked quite nice in the outfit I had chosen. I sat down at my desk and put on some faint makeup.

I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 5:12. Before I could even ask, Kazuichi sent me Mioda-kun's address. I looked at the subway times and it seemed like it would take about 10 minutes to get there. I still had plenty of time so I decided to just hang out for a little.

What if something goes on at the party? What if they prank me and I get humiliated. I would never be able to get my life back together. Maybe Hajime-San will be there... Wait! Why am I thinking about her? Maybe I just, really want to get to know her, yeah, seems right.

(a//n : hello! I apologize that this chapter is shorter than usual. I will be making the next chapter much, much, longer. There will also be drawings in there just for you guys! I hope that it doesn't bother you if this chapter is short. Anyways, thank you so much for reading, and have a wonderful rest of your day//night//afternoon//evening.)

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