Chapter 14

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Sainto's P.O.V

When Hanabria pulled away she released her hold on Tanka's shirt. Both of their faces were covered in a light shade of pink.

Hanabria: "Now don't go thinking..." But Tanka suddenly wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tightly into his chest and you could hear him as he tried to control his sobs. Slowly Hanabria wrapped her arms around him as well.

Kozote smirked crossing his arms: "Looks like they're hooking up!"

To which i'm happy to say my brother smacked him over the head: "Shut it! Now is not the time for that!"

Bedai walked over to Dashyte taking her hand making her blush: "Toge is right."

While Crystal eyed Bedai and her daughter she didn't say anything about it, though i figure they'll be a discussion about it later on.

Shijena's P.O.V

*later on, back at the sand village*

I sat on the hospital bed in silence as the nurse finished applying the bandages. So much has happened in the past couple weeks.

My brother sat down beside me, pulling me from my depressing thoughts: "Well you don't look to bad."

: "And you look more like a half dead mummy than a idiotic teenage boy."

I could hear Dashyte and Bedia laugh from the other side of the curtain.

Kozote deadpanned, but them smiled at me: "At least you're ok."

: "Actually i'm not so sure."

Kozote scooted closer to me: "What's wrong?" He started to check my bandages. "Did they tie anything to tight? Is the medication making you nauseous?"

Batting his hands away: "No, no, I'm fine with that. It's just about what's all happened recently."

Toge and Sainto came into the room, each of them looking much like me brother. Tanka and Hanabria followed behind them holding each others hand.

At the sound of people entering the room, Bedai pushed the curtain that divided the room to the side.

Sainto was leaning on her brother for support: "I understand how you feel."

Toge: "I think we all do." He glanced over at Tanka. "Just some of us more than others."

Hanabria's P.O.V

We all just kinda stood there in the silence until Crystal entered the room breaking the silence: "The hospital has cleared you all to leave, but i ask you all stay for a few days to recover a bit. You are welcome to stay at our house."

I nodded: "Arigato." Looking around at my friends i frowned a bit. "It's much appreciated."

Tanka squeezed my hand, i squeezed back to assure him i wasn't going anywhere. I could see Shijena smirk at us, but luckily she kept her mouth shut about it.

Kozote stretched his arms above his head: "So who's ready to go get some training in?"

Toge smiled and cracked his knuckles: "I am."

But both of them were knocked to the ground by their sibling, each of them complaining about needed to recover before they even thought about going head on against each other.

Crystal smiled at the scene letting out a quiet laugh which made everyone turn to look at her: "I think you'll all do fine." She turned around pausing at the door way. "It will be hard for awhile and know that you will never forget what has happened or what you have seen." She looked back at us with a smile but, tears were slowly falling down her cheeks. "Life as a shinobi is more than brutal, but as long as you have your friends to comfort you and be there at your side, you'll be able to put one foot in front of the other and continue on your path of life."

We all silently nodded, looking from one to the other, smiles slowly forming on everyone's face. Soon laughter filled the room as we all crowded into a group hug. Crystals spoken as well as unspoken words had done their job.

Kozote broke from the clump of arms wrapped around each other and threw his fist in the air: "Now Let's All Get Some Ramon!"

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