bedtime story

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 I couldn't move... His hysterical laughter was unbearable, to the point my head was throbbing. I was crying and my breath was uneasy. Why did I care so much, he's the one that was going insane not me... 

Y/N: " ...n-nagito..."

(hello ok so Imma time skip to when they decided it wasn't Nagito sooo ya)


Hajime: "You're the only one! Teruteru... Could it be you?"


(OK I CANT WITH HIS CRAP SO IM GONNA JUST SKIP THE REST OF THE CLASS TRIAL. because you know what they say... yolo my duuudes. *cough*)

Teruteru: MAAAAAAMMMAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!


And just like that Monokuma was dragging Teruteru by the neck....




It was quiet...the despair was slowly creeping in, drowning us... some of us were crying and others wore blank expressions. "H-Hey....Hajime...what do you suppose...we do now....." Soina said in-between sobs. "I- I don't  know..." The once smiling and laughing Hajime was it was as if he was an hollow shell, starring blanking at the ground. Hell even Ibuki lost her spirit. With out a second thought I started walking. "H-Hey! Y/N w-were are you going!?" yelled a frantic Kazuichi. "...T-To my cottage.... Good night eveyone." 

I was finally at my cottage, when It donned on me...what if I'm next...or if Ibuki,Hajime...Nagito... Fall a victim to despair... I shook my head disagreeing with my thoughts, No t-they wouldn't... right? I slipped into my cottage changed, brushed my teeth, then collapsed onto my bed. 

Hours had passed, and I was just laying there starring at the wood ceiling, thinking and crying. There weren't any books in my cottage, so it's not like I could read my self to sleep. Maybe I should see if Ibuki or Hajime are awake, though I doubt they are.  

I got out from under the covers and draped a blanket over my shoulders, opened my cottage door as quietly as possible, then made my way to Ibuki's cottage. *Knock Knock Knock* Around one minute had passed and there wasn't an answer. She's probably asleep, let's try Hajime. *Knock Knock Knock* "Hajime you awake?" My voice was raspy from all the crying. No answer...  I was about to go back to my cottage... when I realized there was one last person, and they were probably awake... Nagito.

I hesatintly made my way to Nagito's cottage and knocked. *Knock Knock Knock* I noticed that my knock was slightly quieter then it had been when I knocked on Ibuki's and Hajime's doors. Half of me wanted him to answer, and the other half didn't, I mean he was planing to murder someone for the sake of "hope". I could hear a slight russiling from inside his cottage followed by a creak... There stood a sleepy looking (HAJIME!? sorry I had to :3) Nagito. "Hey Y/N what are you doing awake?" "I couldn't sleep...and Ibuki and Hajime aren't awake... so I was wondering if it's not a bother, could stay here till I'm sleepy...? 

I was scratching the back of my neck waiting for an answer. "O-Oh uh yeah sure. But why didn't you go to Peko's or Sonia's cottages, Why dose someone so talented such as you, want to waste her time with untalented trash like me?" "Trash? Nagito your not trash nor untalented. I mean sure what you did was really messed up. But no madder what you'er still my friend." I said starting to realize just how cold it was and started shiver. "Heh, if you say so... Here come in, your starting to shiver and your nose is turning purple." And with that he slightly opened his door to let me in. "Thank you Nagito." for the first time since the party I felt...Hope.... But it was different this time...

"Y/N what do you want to do?" He asked well sitting on the edge of his bed and patting a spot next to him, gesturing for me to sit.   "Um let's you have any books?"  "No, I've checked..."  "That's okay, I don't either. Uhh...Oh! Do you wanna help me make up a story instead?"  "Sure, you are the ultimate Storyteller after all. But do you wanna start I've never really made up a story before..." Said Nagito sheepishly twirling a piece of his hair in his fingers. 

I gave him a small smile and started to speak. "Alright! We should make up the characters first. Any ideas on names?" I asked the messy marshmallow haired Nagito. "Umm... What about C/N."  (character name)  "Ooooh! I like it! Okay let's start!" 

( btw this is a story I made up when I was in like 3rd grade so I'm sorry if this is horrible 11037 and it's word for word soooooo ya.)


3rd person POV: 

It was an early spring morning, the early morning due was drizzled on the web that C/N had spun the previous morning. Flowers were starting to bloom and the birds were chirping soothing tunes.  (if you couldn't tell C/N is a spider)

"Hello, how are you today!" Said a squeaky voice that C/N didn't recognize. "Huh, I'm doing well, but where exactly are you?" "Oh right, here I'm coming down just gimme one second!"


Y/N: "Nagito your it's turn now *yawn*"

Nagito: "Alright but don't expect it to be well... good."

Y/N: "Nagito I don't care how good or bad it is as long as you do it." 

Nagito: "Alright here it goes."


A few quiet moments had passed, C/N had noticed something scurrying down a tree trunk and making its way to the spider. "Hello! What's your name?" Asked a small gray squirrel. "Huh? But why do you want to know my name?" "Because you look a little lonely, do you have any friends?"

"Very well, my name is C/N. And I do not... Have any friends." "Well, C/N I could be your friend if you'd like."


Nagito:  *Yawn* "Your turn Y/N."

Y/N: "Nagito you did really good!"

Nagito: "Y/N your just saying that. How could trash like m-"

Y/N: "Nagito! Your not trash!"

Nagito: "Sure..."


"But why would you wanna be friends with me I'm a spider, everyone is scared of me." (*casually pets spider* yuh... I blame the gay syrup.) "Scared? Why would everyone be scared of you, there's no reason to." said the little gray squirrel.

 "Well I look scary to others..." said the spider  " Welp not to Mee! Oh by the way my name is S/N! (squirrel name) "Nice to meet you S/N." 

"What do you want to do C/N" "O-Oh I was just about to rebuild my web." "Really!? can I watch you?"  "you sure, it'll take a while." mhm! I'm sure I've always wanted to see how spiders build their webs! 

End of story 



"Alright Nagito that's the end." "O-Oh ok, are you ready to go back to your cottage?" "Oh uh... About that... I was wondering if I could say the night, I mean i-if it okay with you." I asked sheepishly. I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks, thankfully it was to dark for Nagito to notice just how red my face was. 

"But why would someone as talented as you want it spend the night with untalented scum like me?" Nagito said sleepily starring at his palm. I"'ll take that as a yes then." I said rolling my eyes and grabbing one of his pillows, setting it on the floor.

(Word count: 1285) A/N: AHHHHHH ok so um ya this was an interesting chapter lol. Thank you guys sooo much for 200+ reads it means a lot! <3 Im sorry this chapter took a while to come out I was stressed with school and homework so ya but hey I got it done ^o^ Thank you for reading! Good night/Good morning <3

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