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  • Dedicated to Tsuyakeshi Kitai

Sowrie for the long wait :/

But here's the new chap, enjoy :D

Oh, and don't forget to comment and vote :)




Who's next?

"Now the first world war..."

Oh great. History class.

I am fascinated by how the teacher have the students dozing of one by one....


What the hell?


Stop poking me.


Annoyed, I stood up abruptly, just to find the whole class staring at me. My next-seat neighbor gave me the I-tried-so-dont-blame-me look.

"I uhh... need to be excused..." And I walk out of the classroom.

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

I splash my face with water. Like that's gonna wipe off any humilliation. There are just a minutes left till the bell ring so I decided to wait until then so I wouldn't have to face the teacher. Not to mention the whole class.

Sighing, I turn around and almost jumped when I saw the girl from the canteen leaning against the wall eying me. With a pink envelope in her hand. Seriously, pink? Creep. I silently memorize her student code. I'm so gonna find out who she is.

"Some uhh... guy ask me to give this to you." I raised an eyebrow, doubting her. She avoided eye contact. Way the go for lying at my face.

I noticed my name was written in front of the envelope. I took and opened it. It was a card. I briefly read it and slid it back in the pink envelope.

"What's the matter, Carmen?" She snickered when she saw my face darkened. Freak.

"You do know the wall is freaking dirty right?" She flinched and stood straighter so she wasn't leaning against it anymore.

"And there's a cockroach right beside you." I said as I headed towards the door. She let out a small shriek and the bell rang.

"Whoops, my bad." Her fault for trying to act cool and stalking me. I smirked and mentally high fived myself.

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