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Imagine you were the new student in Johenzi Highschool. You walk through the school gates with your head down, hoping nobody will notice you. You feel eyes glued to you as you walk to the school office. On your way to the office, you bump into somebody. "I'm Sorry!" You look up and meet a intimidating guy towering over you. He gives you a death stare and walks away. You walk faster to the office to avoid the strange looks. You got your schedule and sit on a bench outside the office. You take a look at your schedule. Somebody taps your shoulder and you look up at them. "Hey! I'm Misaki!" She sits down next to you smiling. "I'm y/n!" "That boy you bumped into earlier is known as the "bad boy". People say whoever touches him without permission will get punished by him." Your eyes widen and you stare off to space. "His name is Terushima. He is the captain of the volleyball club. I'm the manager of the club and to be honest, he is very scary!" You covered her mouth as you see Terushima walk by. He stares at you and Misaki. You both giggle and get up so Misaki can give you a tour of the school.

Terushima ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now