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You got to the airport before Misaki and Terushima. You get your bags and enter the airport. Few minutes later, Terushima dashes through the airport and starts to look for you. You were waiting in long line to get a ticket, so you blended in with the others. You look to your right and see Terushima. Your eyes widen and you look away. You held back your tears as you were getting closer to getting a ticket. You got your ticket and started to walk away. Terushima spots you and without giving it a second thought, he yells your name. "Y/N!!!" You turn around and see Terushima running to you. "T-Teru?" "Why are you leaving!" He hugs you and you slowly hug him back. "I-I was leaving.." "Why!!" You guys stay in eachothers arms for a bit and you let go. "Teru, I'm in love with you b-but I know that I'm just a little pet to you, so to forget my feelings, I was gonna go back home.." Terushima starts to cry. "Y/n! I'm in love with you to!" You start to cry as well and kick him. "You idiot! Why didn't you say so!" You hug him again. You guys stay in like that for a bit before slowly pulling away. He caressed your cheek. "Y/n, I know that we only knew each other for not that long, but I realized how much you mean to me, so, will you be mine?" You start to cry and hit him softly. "Yes you dummy!" You picks you up and takes your bags to go back to his apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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