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You guys enter his apartment and he drops you on the couch and he sit next you. "Cook me something." You look at Terushima with a irritated face. You were about the say no but he grabs your face. You push hina away as you stand up to cook him something. Terushima then gets up and goes to shower. "Geez why is he so rough. All I did was bump into him." You shrugged it off and cooked him some pasta. You left the food on the table and go to shower as well. You check your bag to see if you have extra clothes and you did. You took your clothes and went to find if there was another bathroom. As you walk down the hall to see if he had another bathroom, Terushima opens the bathroom door. He signals you that you can shower and you thank him. He rolls his eyes and walks away. "Rude.." You thought to yourself. The bathroom was pretty small but it was better then nothing. Once you finished your shower, you walk out of the bathroom and see Terushima sitting on the couch watching tv. He tells you to do dishes and you stand there looking at him furiously. You stomp to the kitchen and did the dishes. He looks at and giggles after seeing doing dishes with a pouty. You look up at him and stick your tongue at him. He sticks his tongue at you and turns back to the tv. You finish the dishes and walk to couch with your arms crossed. Terushima laughs at you. "You jerk, I already said sorry so why do I have to friggin be your pet for the rest of the month." You think and then slowly drift off to sleep.

Terushima ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now