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You guys lived with each other for 2 weeks. At school you guys would always act like best friends, with Misaki of course. During those 2 weeks, Teru would flirt with you more and more each day. You thought it was a joke so you would shrug it off. Misaki would always tell you he likes you but you took it as a joke. Everyday when you guys woke up his arms would be wrapped around you. You would be angry but blush intensely. One day you thought to yourself. "Do I like him? No, we just met. But what is this feeling I get when we wake up next to each other, when you guys spend time with each other. You wanted to say you liked him, but something kept telling you that you can't. You felt tears fall down your face. Soon, those tears turned into waterfalls. You didn't want your "feelings" to grow so you knew you had to do one thing to prevent them from growing, you had to avoid Terushima. You went to his apartment and grabbed your stuff to leave. You didn't tell Terushima or Misaki were you were going. Before you left, you signed up for online school, because you didn't want to see Terushima. It was hard but you were tired of being confused, you didn't care of what he could do to you. So you disappeared that same day.

Terushima ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now