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He takes you the a grocery store to buy some food. While Terushima was looking at some chips, you noticed a few girls that were about to touch him, on his shoulder. You quickly reacted and grabbed the girl's hand. "Awww, are you his little bodyguard?" They start picking on you and laughing until you finally snapped. You punched grabbed her shirt and throw her on the ground. The other girls start coming at you but you dodged them and make them fall to the ground. Terushima notices what is going on and grabs your arm so you guys can go pay. "Hey! Let go!" "We're gonna get kicked y/n!" You scoff as he lets go off you to pay for his stuff. You guys walk to the car and sit inside. "Damn y/n, I didn't know you were that strong!" You roll your eyes as you guys drive home in silence. He looks at you and starts to giggle a bit. "What's so funny Teru!" "You look so cute when your mad." Your face turns red. "S-shut up!" He smirks as he pulls up into a parking spot. He gives you a bag to carry. You roll your eyes and take the bag. You guys enter the house and you grab to all the bags that Teru put down and you put the grocery's away. He smiles and goes in his room.

Terushima ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now