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After school, you and Misaki go to the volleyball gym to see what it was like. As soon as you walked in, people glued they're eyes to you. You knew the reason why so slowly walked with Misaki to the club room to put down your bags. Misaki makes sure that you actually want to watch and you nod in response. You guys walk back in the gym. Everybody stared at you again, besides Terushima. You hid behind Misaki in the corner of the gym while you observe what's going on. Practice was finally over! You quickly say bye to Misaki and grab your stuff before running to the school gates. You make your way to the school gates, but very far from it. You felt a arm grab your waist and turn you around. "We're do you think your going." You try to answer as if you aren't scared of him. You told him you were going home and he picks you up. He tells you that your gonna stay with him for the rest of the month because you are his dog.

Terushima ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now