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Terushima eventually gave up and decided to try and get over you as well. It was hard, of course. He missed you so much, he stayed in the spot you always slept in when you were at his house. You're scent was fading but it was still there. You on the other hand, you were packing your bags, everytime you put something in your luggage, you cried even more. As the room got emptier, the more tears fell down. You checked out of the hotel and called a uber to pick you up. It was a 2 hour drive to the airport. You fought back tears as you drove by Terushima's apartment building. While you were driving pass it, you see Misaki run to Terushima's apartment, you were confused but ignored it as the distance from the car to the apartment building grew larger. "Terushima! Get in the car quick!" Misaki pulled Terushima out of bed and dragged him to her car. "What is it Misaki!" "I have y/n's location! They are driving to the airport!" "How do you know that!" "Because y/n is taking that road that takes you only to the airport!" Terushima stares in shock as Misaki is trying to catch up to your uber. Terushima was mad but at the same time disappointed, he let those feelings aside and payed attention to your location on Misaki's phone, you were 2 cars infront of Misaki.

Terushima ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now