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You wake up and feel a pair of arms wrapped around your waist. You turn head and see Terushima sleeping. You hold in your scream and try to get out of his arms. He groans and pulls you back in his arms. "Stay or else." You rolled your eyes and stayed in his arms for a bit longer. After 10 minutes of being in Terushima's embrace, you just had to wake him up, no matter what he does. "Terushima! It's already 8:00! Get up, school starts at 9:30!" He groans as he lets you go to get up. "Cook me breakfast then." You rolled your eyes and get up to cook breakfast. After a few minutes, Terushima walks behind you and wraps his arms around you. "Oi! We barely know each other! Get off!" He smirks and whispers in your ear. "Well your my dog so you have to listen to your owner." You blush intensely and continue cooking. After all that, you get ready for school. "Y/n! School is cancelled for today!" Terushima walks in on you changing and you guys make eye contact. You throw your shirt at him and walk away. He laughs and runs behind you and catches you in his arms. "Your not going anywhere! I have to do errands so your coming with me!" You scoff and you take your shirt from and go changes again.

Terushima ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now