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Once the tour was finally over, it was already lunchtime! Misaki takes you up to the rooftop to eat together. You guys laughed and talked for a while, until somebody grabbed your arm and took to the back of the school. You get pinned to the wall and you smell a very familiar scent. You open your eyes and see Terushima less then a foot away from you. "What's your name?" "My name is y/n.." Terushima starts to smirk. "You thought you could get away from me that easily?" You got confused for a second and you widen your realize as you realize what he was talking about. "I said sor-!" You get cut off from Terushima's lips. He pulled away and looks at you with a intense look. "Will you shut up?" You nod nervously. "To punish you, you'll be my dog for the rest of the month. If you don't listen to me, I'll do something you won't like." You realized at that moment how bad his punishments could be, Misaki wasn't wrong. You nod in response and he unpins you. You run back to Misaki and once you got to her, you were breathless. "Are you okay!?? Did he hurt!!? Do I have to kill him!" You out your hands on her shoulders and reassured her that you are fine. She knew something was wrong so she forced it out of you. You told her that you are his dog for the rest of the month and she looks at you worried.

Terushima ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now