Red vs Silver

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"No. NO fucking way. I refuse to get help from her!"

You started to pace around the student council room. It was Monday afternoon during lunch break and you were hoping Sona had some connections around town to hopefully get some leads on Freed for Keqing. But alas. Lady Luck is a complete bitch.

The entire student council, aka Sona's peerage all silently ate lunch, did a few of their student council tasks, or just watched you pace in front of Sona as if your car was stolen. None of them really said anything and we're just watching to keep themselves preoccupied to pass the time.

"You can't hold a grudge against her forever. And either way, as much as it ticks me off too, Rias holds most of the information around here with her connections despite the deal being the both of us supervising Kuoh. It is our territory" Sona explains to you.

"Think I can't? I have plenty of reason to hold a grudge against the red-headed manipulative bitch! And you two don't own the town. That belongs to the government." You argue.

"I'd like to remind you to watch your tone in school and with my friend." Sona warns.

"Bite me. She ain't my friend." You counter with annoyance. "There's got to be something you have on Freed."

"Even if I did have something on Freed, with this behavior your showing, why would I tell you anyways when you still refuse to tell me the reason you're looking for him." Sona asks as she glares up at you.

"One, because I'm still pissed with him shooting and stabbing me. Two, this is how I always act, you should know this by now if you've been watching me before." You list off as you begin to pull your phone out of your pocket. "And three, I have your sister on speed dial."

That seemed to get her. Sona visibly tenses up at the sight as you show her Serafall's contact on your phone. The young Sitri quickly tries to snatch your phone from your hand but you were expecting this. You put your phone away while Sona has this small pleading look in her eyes mixed with a glare.

"I already talked to her about what I'm doing and she gave me the go-ahead." You lie. "But if you're not willing to help your sister, I'm sure she'll be upset and come all the way back here just to cry about it in person."

"L-Let's not get hasty." Sona stutters, losing a bit of her cool as she tries to get her composure when taking a seat again. "I would help you but like I said, Rias has more connections than I do and I'm not even sure if she told me the full truth of the incident that happened at the church."

That figures. So much for the two of them being friends. Rias was the type to beat around the bush or sugarcoat the full truth. Never getting straight to the point. One of the many reasons you disliked her.

"Yeah, figured as much...." You say with an annoyed sigh. "You think you can get leads for me then?"

"You said it yourself, this is your job. I will not always be around to help you like last time." Sona now suddenly says seriously.

"Yeah but you're here now." You deadpan.

"You know what I mean." Sona counters. "I'm sorry but if this is your mission, you have to see Rias herself if you want leads on Freed."

You roll your eyes and just leave it as that. You wave her off as you leave the student council and head off to your homeroom class. God fucking damn it. You just really didn't want to even see Rias ever. But you NEEDED leads and if she's the only way to get them.....maybe it's just better to just eat shit and die....

You opened the sliding door to your homeroom classroom. There were a few other students left but who cares. You just headed to your seat and sink right onto the desk letting it a tired groan as you rub your temples.

Highschool DxD: Free (Silver Crow Reader x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now