Date Night

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Both the two blondes of her large mansion just eyed their electro ninja lime companion with curiosity. Mainly due to the attire she was wearing. Normally, Keqing wore a pretty bog-standard getup, not one to really be noticed by anyone out on the streets. Comfortable and easy to move around. But now. She was wearing a white and blue zip-up hoodie with a black and white striped shirt underneath. She also had a black short skirt and her long black stockings in contrast to her white sneakers. Even those fancy gold hairpins she had were replaced with a pair of bows instead. Just her entire get up screamed that she was up to something that her usual habits of training in the house.

"Uhh....what's the get up for?" Mittelt asks out of curiosity.

"I'm going out into town today. I want to get a better understanding of the town's terrain and pick up some things for myself." Keqing replies as she was picking up her sword wrapped in cloth.

"Do you want us to come with you? What if you get lost?" Asia asks next.

"I'm not going to be out alone." Keqing responds.

"With who exactly?" Mittelt continues to ask.

"That should be obvious. Y/N of course." Keqing nonchalantly replies with. "He knows Kuoh better than the both of you. And I trust him more than the others."

The pencil that Asia had in her hand drops into the table since she was doing her homework. Mittelt's face also pales from hearing that. You and Keqing? Alone? With her dressed like that and going around the town for the day. Even if Keqing doesn't make it sound like that, to anyone else it seems like a date.

"S-So is it...A-A date?" Mittelt nervously asks.

"Not in any way. Though it would make a better cover story if either one of us gets recognized." Keqing does say as she thinks about it. "Yeah. That could work. It makes it more believable if were approached. Y/N is already somewhat well known around your school from what you both told me before."

Keqing didn't exactly read the room. But the amount of envy and jealousy that was fuming from the two blondes was almost visible. Keqing stated that this was just to help her understand the terrain better once they find Freed around here again or if she's ever attacked by other supernatural forces because of her sacred gear.

Keqing makes a few more adjustments to her outfit and her hair before she informs the two that she'll be back later. She adjusts the cloth that's as used to also conceal her sword over her shoulder and heads out the front door. The first thing crossing her mind was to probably find a better way to keep her weapon concealed without drawing attention. Now with the young Yuheng gone, the two blondes snap out of here thoughts and immediately lock eyes.

"W-We should follow know...just Incase they get into trouble!" Asia comes up with the obvious fake excuse.

"E-Exactly! This town is dangerous! It's for their safety!" Mittelt also agrees on the bullshit excuse.

The two nodded as they darted towards their rooms. Each of them getting themselves in a set of new clothes to go out with. Like Keqing, morning to fancy or eye-catching. Just something light and easy to move in. They had themselves a stakeout to do.


Downtown Kuoh


To really be out on a weekend at this time didn't exactly make you feel great. Considering this was the same week you got back into doing your commissioned jobs from the student council. So editing photos and a few video clips took up your time again on top of the training he'll hole that Keqing out you and Mittelt through. Some would consider this kind of thing a break. Not having to train or edit. But no. This was a waste of time for you. Instead of this, you could be more productive.

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