Chapter 29, "With Love Comes Pain".

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Tuesday, the next week :

Brad : How do we know we can trust that person? What if they like... elope.

Jen : They have laws against that Brad.

With their heads buried in the computer, Jen and Brad are looking into a surrogacy center in Los Angeles they've stumbled across.

Brad : Are they still up and running though? Considering Covid?

Jen : It looks like it. I can call them later today and check.

Brad : Yes. Do that.

Jen : But Brad?

He lifts his head up from the computer, meeting her eyes.

Jen : You have to tell her before we take this any further though.

Brad : I will.

Jen : I mean it Brad. I won't do anything until she knows.

Brad : Okay...

Jen : I just wouldn't feel comfortable.

He furrows his brow, as she seems oddly serious about this.

But then he remembers.

Brad : Has this got anything to do with how you...

Jen : Found out? Yeah.

15 years ago, at Jen's malibu home :

Having just woken up, Jen's in her kitchen talking on the phone with Andrea while feeding Norman.

Jen : On Friday?

Andrea : Yeah. It'll just be the five of us.

Jen : Yeah...

Andrea : It'll be good for you to get out Jen. I mean you've been so isolated lately...

Jen : I know, but I think it was necessary... you know to get some time to think.

Andrea : That's good. I'm glad you're doing well honey.

Jen : But sure, dinner does sound like fun.

Andrea : Right?

Jen : On Friday you...

She suddenly stops talking, distracted by what CNN is currently reporting.

As she moves closer, two familiar names can be heard mentioned.

Andrea : Jen?

Jen stops in front of the tv, eyes wide open as she sees the headline.

"Angelina Jolie Confirms She's Pregnant With Brad Pitt."

Andrea : Jen? Hello?

Slowly lifting her phone up to her ear, she answers bluntly.

Jen : I have to go.

"The couple have been dating since the beginning of this year, after meeting on the movie "Mr and Mrs. Smith". After a rocky start with Brad Pitt divorcing his wife of 5 years, Jennifer Aniston...."

Her head tunes out the voices as she feels her stomach drop..

In a matter of seconds, everything she's spent so much time and effort on building back up after the divorce, erases.

Jen : Oh god...

Covering her face with her hands, she stays there watching the screen not able to comprehend that it's real.

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