Chapter 30, "Wrong Timing".

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At Jen's house, later :

Jen : There's no way she said that.

Brad : I'm telling you, she did.

Brad throws himself down on the couch, taking off his hat as he's back from Angelina's house.

Jen : Seriously?

Brad : Yes! I got a little shocked myself actually.

Jen : But... why isn't she more upset?

Brad : Honestly, I think she's just done with me... ready to move on.

Jen : Maybe it was pathetic of me to react the way I did back in the day.

Brad : Hey, that was a whole different situation.

Jen sighs, as she puts her feet on top of the table.

Brad : Besides, she divorced me you know.

Jen : For the record... I was the one who filed Brad.

He laughs, as she gives him a stiff stare.

Brad : I told her that it won't happen for a while though. With you getting back to work and all.

Jen : What? Why?

Brad : I thought that's what you wanted.

Jen : I can work and do this at the same time.

Brad : I know you can, I just assumed...

Jen : Lots of women raise children while working, I mean just look at Reese for instance...

Jen takes a deep breath in before continuing.

Jen : Or even Angelina.

Brad : Jen. I have no doubt you'll be able to do that... I just want what's best for you.

Taking his hand in hers, she lets her head fall on his shoulder.

Jen : I know... I just really think this is it.

Two days later :

Jen : It's all good. How about you?

Justin : Good, good... I saw you adopted a new fella.

Jen : Yeah.

Justin : What a name huh.

Jen : That was actually Brad's idea.

She scratches her head as she realizes Justin probably didn't need to know that.

Justin : Oh... well I wanna meet him sometime. So does Kuma.

Jen : Yeah... I'll be working for the next months to come, but I'm sure you could stop by during a weekend some time.

Justin : Sure.

Jen goes quiet for a minute, as she suddenly remembers how Justin still doesn't know about their plan of having a baby.

Justin : How is Brad doing?

She was so busy worrying about how they were gonna tell Angelina, that Justin didn't even cross her mind.

Even though this might be even harder on him that anyone.

Jen : Huh?

Justin : How's....

Jen : Are you free this weekend?

Knowing Justin always appreciated honesty, Jen figures she might as well get it over with and tell him as soon as possible.

Justin : Uhm... I guess.

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