Chapter 31, "Convincing".

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The same night :

Jen : Brad!

Jen rushes after him into the living room, where he's walking back and forth with his face buried in his hands.

Jen : Brad... that wasn't...

Brad : It wasn't what?! What it looked like... what the hell was it then?!

Jen : I...

Brad : You kissed Jennifer! You kissed him!

He looks her straight in the eyes, clearly hurt by what he just saw.

Jen : I didn't kiss him! He kissed me... I had no idea that would happen...

Brad : Oh come on' Jennifer, you're not fucking stupid!

Even the switch from Jen to Jennifer, proves it.

Jen : I tried to stop it... I pulled away.

Brad : Please.

He begins walking towards the hallway, as he can't stand being that close to the man who just kissed his girlfriend.

Jen : Brad...

Jen runs after him, catching up with him before he makes it to the door.

However, Brad just shakes her off, reaching for the door knob as he knows it would be easier to walk out than to stay and face this.

Jen : Please, don't leave! Not like this.

Tears press on in her eyes, as she can't stand the thought of losing him again.

Jen : Brad! You have to listen to me. I didn't wish for that to happen! I mean... why would it make sense for me to kiss Justin when we're having a baby together...

He lets the weight of Jen's words hang in the air as he's trying to make sense of the situation in his head.

He trusts Jen more than anyone... more than himself.

Never in a million years did he think she would be capable of doing something like this.

Jen : You have to believe me... I stopped it Brad. I should have pulled away sooner, but I was in shock... I couldn't process what was happening.

So maybe everything she's telling him is true.

Maybe Justin really just kissed his girlfriend without her consent.

Jen : Brad... I love you so much, I would never throw...

All of a sudden, Justin comes walking towards them with a shameful look on his face.

Brad : I believe you.

Jen : What?

And before she gets the chance to react, she sees Brad making his way over to him, full of nothing but rage.

Justin : Woah... Brad. I didn't...

Within seconds Justin hits the floor, after Brad makes a fist and practically decks him right in the face.

Jen : Brad!

Brad : You think you can just kiss her whenever you'd like, huh? While I'm in the other room!

Justin : It just happened! I didn't...

The two guys are wrestling on the floor as Justin's trying to get away and Brad's making sure he doesn't.

Jen : Stop it. Guys!

Jen runs over to them, pulling Brad up to prevent him from doing Justin any more damage.

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