Letter Three

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Dear Kai,

A deer in headlights.
That's what you looked like when we finally stumbled into each other.

I'm not sure why,
but for some reason,
you were the last person
I thought I'd find volunteering at a woman's shelter.

Which is probably why you looked so odd to me with your large frame towering over the rest of us.
Beefy arms loaded with donated kids clothes and refurbished sweaters.
Your sharp face, painted with cheap makeup and pink hearts.

You looked like a great, big,
glittery giant.
A calm giant.
One that had the temperament
of a lost deer.
Deer, which I learned, was your nickname around here.

I learned that all the little kids knew they could treat you however they liked and they'd get away with it.

I learned that all the older kids knew you'd stay up with them no matter how late to complete their homework.

I learned that all the mother's found a man they trusted around their children without an ounce of fear.

I learned that everyone working there knew you since you were eleven after your mom took you away and ran.

When you showed me your initials etched into the old wooden bedframe, I learned why your face was always oh so sad.


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