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Ethan says I have his character perfected *cool glasses emoji*


"So, explain to me again what happened? I wasn't listening."

"Gosh darn it, fiddle cuddling fish sticks! I just explained it to you both!" Camryn was about to beat the shit out of Abby.

The three 17-year-old's were marching their way towards the back of the school-- albeit slowly because no one except Abby wanted to know what Zara meant by the "pee bath". Ethan was still silently walking next to them-- no doubt screaming internally at everything. Again.

Cam was starting to lose her mind. "Abby, for God--" "You shouldn't swear by God's name." "--For GOODNESS sake, all she told me was that her name was Kas! I swear!"

Abigail squinted but nonetheless finally accepted Camryn's words. "Still sus' though."

A sudden voice cut them off from any more banter. "Hey, guys! What took you so long? I was waiting here for like 6 minutes!" Zara screamed at the group of three, 30 metres from them.

Ethan spoke up for the first time since they left the front. "Zara, it takes 5 minutes to get here. We just didn't speed here because we don't want to be in your.. "pee bath".

As Abby was about to protest, Ethan punched her in the neck, instantly killing her. 

Or at least that's what he was imagining. In real life, Zara and Abby were chanting about pissing gently and peeing aggressively towards each other.

"I'm loudly sharting my pants!" Zara exclaims. 

"Fine! Then I'm pissing cutely in my pants!" Abby responds.

Camryn can't handle this anymore. "You guys! Zara!" 

Ethan looks like he's feeling euphoric when Cam intercepts Zara and Abby. "Thank fucking Arceus." 

Cam looks at him weirdly for a second and contemplates taking away all his Pokemon games, but ultimately decides to get everyone back on track instead. "Zara, why'd you call us here?"

"Ah... about that. I just wanted to hang out here for a bit." They respond, somewhat suspiciously.

At this point, Camryn is too tired to argue, so she decides to remove her backpack and fall headfirst onto the grass. "That hurt."

30 minutes in, the voices of her three friends conversing with each other fade into the background as she slowly falls asleep.


Camryn awakes with a start. It's dark out now, and fucking freezing, she notices. She's only wearing a thin long sleeve shirt and a short skirt. 

She realizes her head is pounding, and that she can't see anything. Pulling out her phone, the time read 3:18 AM. She drifts her eyes downwards, physically wincing as she saw her mom had called her 47 times.

"Shit. I'm going to be in so much trouble." 

Mentally willing herself to stand up without falling from dizziness, she does a quick spin, trying to pinpoint where her friends went. 

"Dafuq?" They aren't anywhere to be seen, not that she could see much anyway. "Did they leave me here? Am I dead?"

"You're not dead. At least, I don't think."

Camryn lets out the absolute manliest fucking scream that not even some squirt like Dumbledore could accomplish-- at the sound of the slightly familiar voice.

"What the hell! Who are you? How'd you know I was here? Who are you?" She manages to scream out in a slightly quieter voice.

"Haven't we already been over this?" Camryn can feel the person rolling their eyes. "Hello? We met like.. How long ago? 12 hours ago?"

Cam feels her eyes involuntarily widen around 7 metres worth. 

"Goddamn yo' eyes wide as hell, gurl." 


The girl cheers sarcastically. "Yes! How'd you finally figure it out?"

Camryn deadpans. "Well, sorry that I don't recognize a voice I've heard once." 

"Apology accepted." Kas states seriously. "Why are you out here so late?"

Camryn doesn't know and I do not either, for it is 3:37 AM and I have to be up in 4 hours. 

Cam X  HaechanWhere stories live. Discover now