Memory Problems

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Get pegged <3


The sun shone through the window, much brighter than it would have been with blinds. "I must've not closed them last night." Cam didn't care either way, but it was still annoyingly burning her eyes. 

Closing her eyes, she tried to block out the noise of the ravens that had started screeching right outside her bedroom. She soon realized 30 seconds later that she would never accomplish this, however.

"Cam! Get your ass out of bed, lazy hoe!" Her mom astral projects her voice through 2 floors, and Camryn is forced to leave her covers and start her day once again. 

Getting dressed, Camryn is left to ponder over the happenings that occurred the day before. She had been abandoned at the school by her friends, then Kas found her and promptly disappeared, and then she found a necklace. 

"Oh! That's right, the necklace." She quickly grabs it and places it around her neck before heading to the kitchen.

Exasperated at all that had happened in one day, Camryn is inclined to believe that everything had been just a dream, but she quickly discards the thought. Something that felt that real could not have been a mere vision from her sleep.


At the kitchen table downstairs, Cam's mom is waiting patiently and as calm as ever. 

Immediately Camryn is on edge, suddenly remembering the 47 calls she had not picked up.

"Oh, goody! You're finally here." Ms. Johnny (her mom) greets her warmly like always. "I was wondering what you were doing up there! You're usually downstairs earlier."

Cam squints her eyes, astonished that her mom hadn't hit her with a chair yet. In fact, there was no trace of malice on her face, which was incredibly odd. "Why hasn't she scolded me yet?"

"Ahh.. yeah. I was just.. thinking?" Camryn isn't good at not appearing suspicious, yet her mom doesn't mention anything. "What am I even trying to hide anyway?"

Placing a plate of booty on the table in front of her daughter, she notices Camryn's new accessory. "Where'd you get that?" She questions, just trying to make conversation.

"The necklace? I found it yesterday when I was out."

Her mom pauses dramatically, trying to create a suspenseful atmosphere. And it works, because Cam is waiting for a reaction almost fearfully.

"Oh, cute!" Camryn lets out a sigh at her mom's words. "But, I don't remember you going out yesterday...? Do you just mean you found it on the bus back?" 

Camryn looks at her mom quizzically. "I was outside for like 14 hours yesterday.." She trails off, not wanting to provoke her mom.

Ms. Johnny snorts 7 times consecutively, like a pig having an asthma attack. "Haha! Good one, Cammy. Now, finish up your toast and get to school!" Mrs. Johnny forcefully pushes Cam out the door with her toast and backpack before she can respond.

The door is slammed in Camryn's face majestically, which she takes as a sign to get to her school bus. 


The journey to school had Camryn's head filled with so many questions. Of course, none were spoken aloud, but they were still spreading in her brain like the plague. Camryn could not, for her life, come up with a plausible reason that explained anything. Not one thing. 

She felt like her thoughts were eating her alive-- and not like the good kind (vore)-- she was so invested in convincing herself that she was sane that she didn't notice the newly added pressure to her two-seater bus seat.

"You alright there? You seem to be strangling yourself. Well, mentally. I don't know, I wouldn't stress if it's about school. Grades don't define your future. Anyway, back to what I was saying, you good?"

Camryn had snapped out of her thoughts a while ago, currently staring gobsmacked at the girl in the seat beside her, who had a noticeably odd aura.

"Hello?" The girl waves both her hands in front of Cam's face frantically. "You look like you accidentally inflated a balloon in your bussy and are too in shock to do anything about it."

"I-" Camryn swallows the saliva that had gathered in her mouth and made her speech sound slimy. "I'm fine? As far as I can tell?" She doesn't know if she really is.

"Spectacular! I was just asking out of courtesy. I didn't really want to bother your gigantic, huge, big, huge, ginormous, huge, mental crisis moment." The girl shrugs. "It's normal."

Cam laughs lightly like she doesn't know how to respond. And she doesn't.

A few seconds that feel like 3 minutes pass as they kind of just stare at each other. 

The girl suddenly perks up. "Oh! Right, I'm Sophie. It's a pleasure to meet you. I actually stole this seat from that guy over there," She points at Ethan (who Cam usually sits with), who has seemingly lost his DS and is glaring (looking longingly) at the seat that Sophie is sitting in.

Camryn chuckles at Ethan's misery before facing Sophie properly. "Nice to meet you too, Sophie. I'm Camryn." "I sure do be meeting a lot of people deez (nuts) dayz." 

The school bus arrives shortly after to their school while they chat a bit. Camryn learns that Sophie is one of the people Zara threatened at lunch yesterday and that she almost shat her pants when she heard their loud thunderous stomps towards her table.

"I would've shat my pants too, Sophie. You're not alone." She thinks to herself, getting off the bus behind the girl.

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