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I dislike typing


Chatting at their table for majority of lunch, Camryn had completely forgot about her intuition about something happening. They were all animatedly talking about so many things one after another-- that they almost missed what a background student was gossiping about to his friends.

"Yeah! That's what I overheard Mr. Da Vinki say.. do you think its true?", said some random. The other responded, "Well, why would he say it if it wasn't..".

Zara, obviously wanting to know more, startlingly stood up and stormed over towards their table and demanded to know the deets. Ethan finally looked up from catching some ghost Pokemon, seemingly intrigued with the gossip as well.

The table was struck with pure tensed silence for the 2 minutes Zara was gone. Abby was watching somewhat impatiently, and Ethan was slightly staring, both too engrossed in what was going on at the other table to engage in conversation. Camryn was somewhat engaged by the thought of something out of the ordinary happening, but she quickly fixed her gaze onto her phone.

Another text from her mom; 

Mum: You are coming home straight after school? Right?

Camryn sighed inaudibly. Zara was beginning to walk back to their table.

Cam: Mom, I told you I had a club after school

(She did not. It was a cover for going out with her friends.)

Her mom didn't respond back after that, and lunch was ending in 5 minutes, so Camryn put her phone away to focus on the incoming form that was Zara.

"GUYS!" Zara is back at the table, panting for some reason after running 3 metres from the other table. Everyone looks up at them waiting for an explanation.

There's absolutely no expression on Zara's face, and Camryn senses everyone holding their breaths tensely, herself not being an exception. But then Zara bursts out in a huge smile and announces excitedly "We're getting a new student!"

Everyone simultaneously releases the hold on their breaths. In Cam's peripheral vision, she can see Abby's face plastered with false annoyance and Ethan's with indifference. She decides to speak for the both of them: "...Why are you so excited over this?".

Abigail adds on to her comment exasperatedly, "What the hell was the dramatic pause for? You nearly gave me a heart attack!". Ethan nods at this, agreeing silently. Camryn can't help but agree that she too was close to being scared for her life.

Zara grins slyly, "Ahhhh... I guess I'm just excited. We haven't had a new student here in forever! It's about time for a change."

Ethan checks his watch, not bothering to comment. "Guys, the bells abo--" The school bell cuts him off almost comedically. Camryn and Zara try to stifle their laughter, but only Camryn succeeds.

Ethan sends a sour look towards them both and begins leaving towards the exit. Zara laughs once more and winks at Cam before also breaking off from the group.

"Bruh.", Abby deadpans, then slaps Cam's shoulder.

"Do you have a thing for my shoulder or something today?" Cam asks her teasingly. Abby scoffs but doesn't bite back. "So, what do you think about getting a new student?" 

Camryn doesn't wait to think before responding, "I dunno. I guess I hope they have a nice face to look at. Or maybe even a good personality?". "I'm not really all that interested.. it'll probably be just another face in the crowd. Unless.." She thinks to herself.

"I know what you're thinking! You want a hot boy to move to the school!" 

Camryn makes a face at her friend before promptly walking away, hearing Abby laugh behind her. "Maybe I do hope it's a cute boy." 

Cam X  HaechanWhere stories live. Discover now