
13 2 6

I've spent too much time talking about pee.


For the first time that day, Camryn finds herself alone. It was the end of the school day, and none of her friends were out of class yet. She opted to wait for them outside the front gates, sending their group chat a quick text.

Fifteen minutes later, after listening to NCT's new song Faded approximately 5 times, Cam takes out her earphones, slightly miffed at how long she had been waiting.

"Shouldn't everyone be out by now?", she mutters to herself, looking at the time on her phone.

"Who do you mean?" Says a figure that Camryn just noticed was casting a shadow over her.

She looks up surprised that someone had heard her and came so close without her hearing. "Pardon..?"

The figure-- which Camryn has now made out to be a girl who looked slightly younger than her-- purses her lips. "You go to this school, right?", She questions.

Cam nods at a normal rate, still confused. "Who are you?". Looking her up and down, Camryn comes to the conclusion that she has never seen this girl in her life. "Where'd she come from?"

The girl, who Cam noticed had highlights in her hair, smiles slightly and shakes her hand from standing above her. "I'm Kas. You?"


"Pleasure.", Kas states. Her phone suddenly beeps, and she starts to back away after checking it. "I have to go, but I hope I'll see you soon!"

Kas is gone before Camryn could respond back, but she's too fuddled to care. "Who was that?" A deeper voice says in her ear.

Cam jumps slightly before focusing her eyes on the boy next to her. "I.. have no clue. She said her name was Kas?"

Ethan hums. "Weird. I've never seen her around before." Cam nods at this.

Just then, Abby comes walking out the doors to join them. "Did you guys see the message?" She asks, confused.

Ethan and Camryn both turn to look at Abby, then check their phones.


Cam: ill be outside waiting -Read by 3, 1:45

NEW MESSAGES: Zara: yallllll come to the back of the school!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!1!

Zara: hurry up!!1 i dont want the pee bath getting cold 

Zara: im rolling my eyes sarcastically rn btw

With a sigh, Camryn closes her phone. Ethan and Abby look at each other suspiciously before they all decide to go down to the back of the school to meet Zara.

Cam X  HaechanWhere stories live. Discover now