Father Figure

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Today I was determined to cheer George up. After the funeral, he's been feeling down lately. Seeing George upset makes me upset too. It's rare for me to see him like this.

M: Hey George!
G: Hey.

I didn't hear any emotion at all. I understand why though.
This date is a special date, I have stuff planned out to do obviously, but its not cliché like going to the movies. You'll see what it is.

I started a little conversation with him just to make things less awkward. Oh, but he was against the wall. Maybe I could be subtle about the things I want to do to him...

G: So, what are we gonna do today?
M: You'll see.

Isabel came home with her best friends kids. So basically we can't leave yet because we have to babysit him. I'm not good with kids at all, so I don't know what I would do.

I: Hey bro.
G: Hey.
M: Who's that?
I: My best friend is out of town and asked me to babysit her son and daughter. So I'm bringing him here. Thing is I gotta go somewhere important. Its for my job. So you guys will be stuck here for about two hours.
M: I mean we had plans-
G: Cmon Mariah, its not that hard to babysit a toddler.
I: Here's his diapers, his toys, his food, all the stuff is in this bag. Here's her toys and other stuff, books, all of it. I'll be back, bye love you guys!
G: Love you too!
M: Bye love you too!

Okay, what to do with these kids...

M: Whats your name?
S: Sam
G: Hey Sam.
S: Hi! Whats your name?
G: George.
M: Mariah.
S: I'm six.
M: Oh wow!
S: Thats my baby brother.
G: How old is he?
S: Four. His name is James.
M: Wow!

I don't know what to say or do...

G: So what do you wanna do when you grow up?
S: I want to play basketball.
M: Oh I play basketball!
G: There's a basketball court nearby right?
M: Yeah.

I forgot Adam was still here. He's sleeping in Isabels room. I knocked to see if he was awake, and indeed he was.
Adam played too last time I saw him. He was one of the most skilled players on his team. I was the top player on my team. Who knows? Maybe he still retains that skill, and I can dominate him at the court today.

A: Oh, morning M.
M: Morning Adam?
A: You guys about to leave?
M: Yeah...

Lets see what you got Adam.

G: If you don't put on a shirt...
A: I'll be fine! It's 85 fucking degrees-
A: I'm so sorry!
G: Man...Just go put on a shirt...
A: Alright then.

M: You guys ready?
A: Yeah
G: Yup
M: Don't forget his bag George-
A: I got it.


S: Can I have my ball?
M: Oh, here you go.

Alright Adam, lets see what you got.

A: Alright Mariah, lets see what you got.

Damn it.

M: George, don't forget your next after one of us.
G: Okay.

Meanwhile, George was playing catch with Sam and her brother.

M: Adam.
A: Yeah.
M: I'm gonna go talk to your brother real quick.

George looked like he was having fun. He threw the ball at Sam and she caught it right away.

Friends With Benefits: A George Jones StoryWhere stories live. Discover now