8 freak show

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HS: You're finally here!
H: Finally.
MP: Ayyee Hamzah!
J: Sup Hamzah.
A: He's finally here!
MK: Oh my god I'm seeing you in real life.
H: Yeah...you are.
HS: So, did everyone get their temperature checked?
A: Yeah.
K: Yes.
B: Mhm.
HS: Okay, and here's hand sanitizer for you guys because we touched those nasty ass poles.
H: So why are we here again?
B: We want to help Mariah out.
MP: They're boyfriend was getting fucked by this one girl, and she's a little heated.
H: Oh damn, I'm sorry Mariah.
MK: Its all good.
J: George deserves what's coming for him.
A: For real.
K: So if I'm not wrong, this one girl named Betsey fucked your boyfriend while she was intoxicated.
MK: Yep.
A: Fuck George, Betsey deserves what's coming for her.
J: But why do that if you know that's what you're going to do while intoxicated?
MK: Exactly. I'm trying to get that through my head.
K: Honestly that's why I don't drink.
B: Right, because who knows what the fuck could happen.
MK: So none of y'all drink?
MP: Nope.
A: No.
K: Nah.
H: Nope.
HS: Basically all of us don't.
MK: Responsible of you guys.
MP: Bruh, I thought George was cute one time. I grew out of that soon.
J: Good.
A: Come again?
MP: You heard me. I regret it too.
K: Good!

We just did whatever, walked around the city and SOCIAL DISTANCING.
I was texting another chat with Me, Eli, and a few others in it; GBYT.
I wanted to text George also, I just didn't know what to say to him. I know I just dumped him but I sort of miss him.

J: Mariah, get off your phone.
MK: I'm just seeing if he's okay.
MP: Girl leave him alone. He's the same one who said he loved you while getting screwed by his ex.
HS: Mariah you can fight this.
H: Okay listen. Whats one thing you dislike about him?
B: I don't think they want to hate him but just have some space away from him.
K: Yeah, but you do realize what he did.
MK: I know. I just miss him. Its a bad habit.
MP: Well we're here to help you.
HS: What does he even look like anyway?

All of his good photos are on Instagram.

J: Oh...him.
K: That's George?
HS: I thought he would be short and skinny or tall and skinny.
MK: He's 5'11".
H: He does look really tall though!
HS: Who's that?
MK: His brother Adam.
MP: Oh I remember Adam.
A: Shit, Adam can get it.
HS: For real though.
K: What is he?
MK: What do you mean- OH! He's Pan.
HS: Win for the girls!
J: And the boys!
MK: And the enbys!
MP: I'll take Josh over Adam any day.
J: I'll take you over anyone else any day.
MK: You guys are dating?
MP: Yep.
B: You got a lot to catch up on.
MP: Someone add Mariah to the Chat.
A: There's a good amount of us in the chat.
MK: How many?
K: 20. There's us 7, well 8 including Mariah. Then there's Chase, Claire, Noah, Jackie, Spencer, Gia, Arrington, Katie, Anastasia, Rex, Vinnie, and Sophia. You probably know none of these people but...
MK: I know some of them.
K: Welp, get ready for your phone to go off every 2 seconds.
MK: Oh please I'm used to this.

We explored DC, just did some random sightseeing or whatever. Went to the monument as usual, and walked past the white house. I was thinking of sticking my middle finger up at it. A random person gave us a dirty look when we did. Screw them.

We did some more sightseeing before we went back to take the metro to Alexandria.

H: Hey Mariah, can me and Haley talk to you privately?
MK: Yeah.

H: So, you and George. What did he do?
MK: So basically, we had some friends come over, well not friends but a friend and our exes. I know it sounds crazy. Anyways, we were playing games and shit, then we watched a movie and went to bed. But I heard George's ex and George talk to each other and she was saying something with her drunk ass. So me, Isabel; George's sister, and my ex were listening to them and it went uphill from there.
The next day we confronted the both of them and I told him that we needed a break from each other. But since I'm the type of person to give someone a second chance, I might. I don't know yet.
HS: So-

My phone started to ring, it was George. I know exactly why he's calling me, so I just ignored it. Then a few minutes later, he left a voicemail. I wanted to ignore that too, but I want to see what he has to say. It better not be no shitty apology either.

MK: You guys, he left a voicemail.
MP: Listen to it.

I opened it up and this is what I heard.

"Hey, Mariah. I know you're probably not in the mood to talk right now. But I just wanted to say something. I'm genuinely sorry about what I did and why I let her do that to me. If I truly cared, I would've done something about it. As the idiotic person I am, I didn't do anything to control her. Maybe she knows next time to not drink anymore if she 'blames it on alcohol' for her actions. Even I'm waiting for her to hold herself accountable for her actions too. As for me, I'm holding myself accountable and being honest. The reason why I let her do that was because I sort of missed her. I haven't seen her in so long, I also wanted to catch up with her again. I know, we have a dark and miserable past. But I assumed that she changed her behavior so I thought 'I could give her a second chance'. When we played that game, you know how we were dared to make out? Betsey sat next to me, and I wanted to go to you but she pulled me and sort of...trapped me. Now I'm not saying she's a better kisser, you're a WAY BETTER kisser than her. You've always been better than her. I love you so much, and I would never try to hurt you. But it looks like I did hurt you. Would I still love you no matter what happens? Yes! Would I hit on someone? No! I honestly feel so fucking stupid right now, you probably don't want to get back with me anymore, and if you don't I understand that. I deserve all of what's coming for me, all of it. I hope you forgive me. I love you, and if you want to, I'll talk to you later. Bye."

The inside was silent for almost a whole minute, then someone finally said something.

A: That sounded genuine.
J: A little.
MP: So what are you gonna say to him?

I wanted to call him, I wanted to leave him a voicemail, I wanted to text him, I wanted to do all of those things. I also wanted to not respond with anything. When I said I needed space, I meant it. I live in the same house as him but I still need to avoid him. Fuck, I don't know what to do anymore.

MK: I want him to say it to my face.
B: I think thats a good decision.
K: But your plan is to avoid him.
A: So are you avoiding or confronting?

That's where I'm stuck at.
We got off the Metro and walked to the Amtrak Station which was parallel to the Metro station.
I called Eli to pick me up.
He came a few minutes later and was waiting for me.

MK: Okay you guys, I have to go.
MP: Bye! It was nice catching up with you!
J: See you M.
B: Bye Mariah!
A: See you!
K: Bye!
HS: Byee!
H: See you soon.

Looks like Isabel let him borrow his car.

E: Hey!
M: Hi!
E: I was gonna tell you but you probably need space.
M: What did you tell him?
E: Well, we had a long talk. I also threatened to beat his ass if he were to hurt you ever again.
M: Period.
E: But he left to go to a park to clear his head.
M: I think he should be fine.
E: He didn't look happy when he left.
M: Expected.

M: So you and Adam. How are you guys?
E: We're okay. Just friends.
M: You sure?
E: Yeah.
M: You guys were making out hard last night.
E: That was just for entertainment.
M: Whatever you say...
E: I'm serious.
M: Okay okay. What about you and Isabel?
E: She was interested in me, like heavily interested. I would mention something and she would pretend like she'd know it too.
M: Off topic and this may sound weird. But for the three oldest, who would you think would dom or sub you?
E: George would be dommed by someone. Isabel would dom me. I would dom Adam.
M: Interesting.
E: What type of question-
M: Anyways...
E: I think the others are here.
M: Who?
E: Emily and Ellie.
M: Oh okay. I didn't think they'd get here early.
E: Same.

I'm still a little worried about him. Its not healthy but I made the commitment of space.

Friends With Benefits: A George Jones StoryWhere stories live. Discover now