Forgive and not forget

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I was the first to wake up. We still didn't forget what happened last night with George and Betsey. Crazy thing is that she was sleeping in Isabel's room too.
I did my morning routine as usual, then I went downstairs to find Eli's arm wrapped around Adam, and Adam resting his head on his shoulder. I ship this one to be honest.

Then they woke up while I was getting a glass of water.

A:...Morning Mariah.
M: Morning.
E: You okay?
M: Yeah. I just didn't get good sleep, that's all.
E: Oh. What happened last night?
A: We fell asleep.
E: Watching what?
A:...Shit...I can't remember.
E: All I just remember was us making out.
A: Oh yeah.
M: Excuse me?
A: It was during that game I think.
M: Oh I was about to guys just met and least get to know each other. You guys wanna know what I heard last night?
E: What?
M: Betsey and George we're getting it on last night.
A: Come again?
M: You heard me.
E: Oh my god, aren't you guys-
M: Yeah! This is what I remembered last night. So it was me, Isabel, and Shannon. We were next to them and Betsey with her sneaky ass was like "No one's gonna hear us" and shit. Then George was trying to get her off but I guess he just went with it. Then I heard moaning soon and you know the rest.
A: What the actual fuck...
E: So what are you gonna do to him?
M: I'm gonna tie him up with his belt or use handcuffs and cuff him to his bed. Then I'll fool him into thinking I'll, you know. Then that's when I'll confront him and that's the end of us for now. Now for second chances, I'll think about that later. Because I do give people second chances of course, but it depends on the situation.
E: Same here.
M: What time are you leaving again Adam?
A: Actually I'll leave around 2.
M: Oh, alright.

Then Everyone else started to wake up, and we all met in the living room.

M: What time are you guys leaving?
B: At like 10.
S: Same.
E: I'm gonna leave at 1 to meet my mom and other family but I shouldn't be out for too long.
A: Ellie and Emily are coming up here soon.
M: So what does that mean?
A: Nothing. I'm still leaving at the same time.
M: Oh okay.
G: How long is Jack staying at the hospital?
M: A few more days. He still has to get stitches or whatever.
I: So we can't visit him?
M: Nah.
I: Oh.

We all ordered food with Isabel and Eli picking it up. It was in downtown Arlington and it was called Busboys and Poets. They have good food too, like I'm not kidding.

While we were chilling, I soon heard Isabel, Shannon, and Betsey arguing. I decided to listen for a bit.

S: Why did you even fuck him anyway?
B: Bitch I don't know.
S: It was probably from all that vodka you drank.
B: Girl shut up I didn't even drink that much.
I: Yes you did.
S: So you're blaming your actions on alcohol?
B: Yes and no.
I: Well if you knew the consequences, why did you drink it to start with? And why did you think it was okay to do that?
S: Don't say I don't know because that's not a valid answer.
B: You want to know the real fucking reason? Huh? Its because I still have feelings for him.
I: But you could've said something instead of riding his cock.
S: You probably loved it too.

So while they were busy arguing, I decided to have my moment with George.

G: Come in.
M: Hey.
G: What's up?
M: Nothing, just thinking about the many things I want to do to you.

I hopped on top of him and took off his shirt, and undid his belt, using it to tie him to his bed. And from there, that's when I stopped.

G: What's wrong?

Now he won't like this.

M: You know exactly what's wrong.
G: What? Tell me.
M: I heard what happened last night.
G: Oh-
M: Yeah. Betsey was riding your dick last night and you didn't do anything about it.
G: I...I don't know why...
M: You want to know why she did that?
G: Why?
M: She still has feelings for you.
G: Wait really? She never said anything.
M: That's the problem. Now I'm gonna ask you this. While you guys were busy doing whatever the fuck you guys were doing? Were you thinking about me?
G: Yeah, I was.

I slapped him across his face but not hard, just to wake him up a little bit. He seemed tired.

G: What was that for??
M: You just looked tired.
G: But yeah, I really was thinking about you.
M: But you let her do that to you.
G: I don't know why. It was stupid of me to let her.
M: George.
G: What?
M: Do you really love me?
G: Yes! I do! I love you so much Mariah.
M: If you really did love me, you would control her drunk ass and not let her do that to you. Right?
G: Yeah.
M: But you didn't.
M: The fact that- I don't know anymore man.
G: What about us?
M: I forgive you, but I won't forget. For now, we're done. If I trust myself enough to trust you, then MAYBE, I might consider getting back with you. But just for now, we're over.
G: So about my belt-
M: Oh you're staying like that until I decide to let you go.
G: How long will that be?
M: For as long as I want.

Before I left, I taped his mouth shut so he couldn't speak to me, then I walked out of his room and flipped him off as he tried to talk to me, and closed the door behind him.

I: What did you say to him?
M: I said how he didn't really love me because HE WOULDN'T LET BETSEY DO THAT TO HIM.
I: Her and Shannon left.
M: Oh.
E: You okay?
M: Yeah. I just need to take a walk.
E: Stay safe out there.
M: I will.

I really was meeting with Mira and a few others too.
Mira is actually pretty good with this stuff, she gives good advice.
I ended up meeting her at the subway station, we were on our way to DC because we're having a little relaxation session together.

MP: Mariah you're finally here!
MK: Yup.
MP: So this is Brendan, Ava, Haley, Kris, and Josh
M: Hey!
B: Sup.
A: Hey.
J: Its nice to meet you.
MK: Same here.
MP: Where's our train?
A: It should be here soon.

In a few minutes, our train came speeding into our stop. We got on only to find out that we're the only ones in one of the cars. All of us wore masks and social distanced.

MP: So, Mariah. Tell us what happened.
MK: Basically I heard George and his ex getting it on in the middle of the night.
B: Oh damn I'm sorry.
MK: Its fine. But basically I tied him to his bed and broke up with him. Then I taped his mouth shut because he can't say shit anymore.
K: As you should.
H: Fuck George.
A: George sounds like an asshole.
J: I could probably knock that bitch out.
MK: I was thinking about it but...I'll let him suffer.
MP: George has a punchable face.
MK: For real though.

We were supposed to get off in the next 4 stops. We did. It just felt so weird when we did.

H: One reason why we're getting off here is because I'm meeting someone.
J: Oh I know who.
MP: Oh...him.
K: I know who.
A: Oh god.
B: Okay then.

Today's going to be really fun.

Friends With Benefits: A George Jones StoryWhere stories live. Discover now