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You were met with a fragile all might looking skinnier than usual next to Sir Nighteye's bed. Nighteye was hooked to a bunch of pipes with multiple bandages, with the EKG running lower and lower. They had seemingly released Mirio since he was sobbing at Nighteye's side while his mentor took ragged breaths.

"Sir. Don't give up, please. Who'll I tell terrible dark jokes to?" You tried walking up to his bed.
"Nightingale.... I trust.... you'll find....... more friends."
Then the dreaded sound.
He flat lined.
The second person you couldn't save.
Right in your reach.
Because you reacted too late.

First Emily, then all might retired followed by Nighteye flat lining was torture for you. They were all close to you in some way so seeing them put out of action no matter how traumatised you to no end.

It hurt you that somehow it was always you that reacted too slow or caused the death. You were a hero yet you were bringing people down.

You stared at the body, unable to cry. Unable to feel pity for the friend sobbing by your side about the passing.

"I- I can't believe it. He actually died," you mumbled, suddenly realising the situation. You trudged out, eager to see anything other than the corpse of another loved one.

"Hey Eri, how are you?" You asked as you walked into the young girl's ward.
"W- who are you?" She whimpered.
"My name is Nightingale, like a pretty songbird," you introduced yourself, keeping your real name a secret.
"Can you sing?" She inquired, curious.
"Mhm. But I chose my hero name because of my wings," you explained, showing the small feathery tufts at your back.

"But why did you become a hero? All you do is get hurt because you save others. Why did you save me?" The girl cried, guilt enveloping her after all the casualties from the mission. You couldn't stand seeing her in such a state after all she went through so you enlarged your wings slightly and wrapped the sobbing girl in a gentle hug.

"You know why I went in? Because I couldn't live with myself if I knew you were getting hurt but did nothing about it. Heroes help people, we save them. I would do it all over again just to make sure you were safe," you reassured her.
"Really? For me?" She wiped her tears and stared at you with large eyes.
"For you," you smiled back.
"Thank you Night nin glae," she stammered, struggling to pronounce your name.
"How about you come up with a nickname for me, that might be easier to pronounce?" You giggled.

When the child in front of you asked what a nickname was however, you nearly had a heart attack.
"It's like a short version of your name. For example I might call you Ri, short for Eri. Or it could also be a funny name that describes the person," you tried your best at explaining. You've never really had to explain it to people.

"So could I call you Gale?" She asked innocently, making you nearly choke on your spit.
"What about wings?" You suggested, extending one wing.
"Like an airplane?"
"No Eri. Like a bird," you sighed. You weren't exasperated with her, just sad about how uneducated she was due to her guardians at the Yakuza. The two of you spent a long time talking after that, until Mydoria and Mirio walked in.

"Sensei how come you can go so close? They said we weren't allowed," Mydoria asked.
"I can erase her quirk if worse comes to worst and she needed a hug. Also, we're still on hero names Deku, the fact that we're at a hospital won't change that," you explained.
"Right. Sorry," he apologized quickly before turning his attention to Eri.

You watched the adorable interaction until you found out that she couldn't smile.
"Guys don't cause a commotion about it. That much trauma usually doesn't give you a reason to smile," you pointed out, partially speaking from experience.
"Is this how you smile?" Eri asked, straining herself.
"Don't worry about it kiddo, I'm pretty sure you'll learn in no time. I have to go back home now but I'll make sure to visit tomorrow okay?" You ruffled her hair before heading out.

"Come on guys, we can head back. Good to see you're healed up Kiri. I can't wait to crash into my bed and sleep," you sighed.
"It's kinda weird seeing this side of heroes. You always picture them as the saviors but never really question what happens in their lives," Kirishima laughed at your tired state.
"What are you waiting for problem children? Let's go. I need a nap," Eraser drawled.

"You got stabbed in the arm and that's your priority?"
"You got a major head wound and your priority is sleeping?"
The mismatched group walked back to heights alliance where everyone parted ways.

"Guys! We were so worried, first Camino and now the Yakuza? You guys are crazy!" Kaminari yelled, greeting you.
"Hey phone charger," you drawled, "I will admit that the mission was a tad dangerous but hey, we got what we wanted and rescued everyone with minor damages."

"I see. This is how it is in the world of heroes. Once again, U.A does its best in teaching us at how unforgiving the circumstances are," Iida claimed.
"Calm down Tenya. I'm not teaching anything, I'm just saying the truth. I'm taking a nap, if you need me knock on my door. You probably won't be able to enter unless you're as smart as momo though because I have riddles as a security system," you shrugged before treading to your room to sleep.

A/N: short chappie because I lost motivation in the middle of it. A lot of time with you and Eri. Comment how you like it so far, I'd like to know what you guys think.

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