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You got there along with Tsukauchi and Sansa and you were astonished by the sight. All might, Mydoria, Eraserhead and Thirteen were sent to the hospital while almost everyone else was shaking in fear. Thankfully they were unscathed for the most part, but they were traumatised.
"Miss Nightingale, where were you during the attack?" Mina asked.
"I was at the police station, recording the breach from this afternoon and investigating on it," you explained.
"Couldn't Detective Tsukauchi have done that?" Tokoyami inquired.
"Captain, good to see you. All might and Mydoria are in good condition they'll be back by tomorrow, Eraser and Thirteen however will take longer to recover. Think you can manage them on your own?" Tsukauchi checked.
"Back up a bit, Captain?" Everyone yelled confused.

"Yes, I'm a police captain as well. Now you have the next few days off until Monday. I need to file, you all need to relax and recover from the trauma and we'll be interrogating to see the new leads," you sighed. League of villains huh. Even love muffin sounds better, they sounded like pro bakers.
With that they all kept quiet and headed to the bus, the mood so sombre and fragile as if anything could bring them to tears.
"All right, we'll go to school, gather your things and then drop everyone off. I've called all your parents and they know of the situation," you informed.

You dropped everyone off and headed to Hosu General Hospital.
"254, 255, 256. That's Shota's," you walked in to see a mummy of sorts hooked up to many cables, his heart rate steady enough to just survive.
"So that's how bad the damage was. His scarf is intact," you noticed placing a tracker in it. Well more of an alarm really, the tracker was just a bonus function. If anyone other than Eraserhead grabbed it, you would recieve an alarm immediately. You couldn't risk this happening again.

I'm here already, might as well as pay a couple visits.
'Rei Todoroki'
You knew her son didn't visit for fear of scaring his mother. It was considerate, but it hurt them both. You knocked on the door and walked in, seeing the sweet lady staring outside with her usual blank look. The instant she saw you, her face lit up in a bright smile.

"Nightingale! It's been so long, how are you?" She asked.
"I've been alright, how about you miss Todoroki?"
"You can call me Rei you know that right?"
"And you can call me by my real name yet you don't. You've known me since I was born, you're a better mother than my actual one. So why don't you?" You countered.
"I don't because there are security cameras and I believe your name is a secret. Therefore I'm calling you by your hero name," she reasoned.
"Thank you Rei. But you haven't answered, how have you been?"
"Same old same old. No one visits except you and the nurses so I'm always happy seeing someone," she smiled softly.
"I teach Shoto this year you know. He's so distant. Refuses to use his left side because of how much he hates his father and because of how much you were hurt by it. He's cold, only there because he's forced to be. He has this entire act of rising as a top hero with only his ice, only your power," you told her, seeing bits of your old self in him.
"Hate is a strong word dear. Enji hurt them all but I'm sure if anything happened to him, if he were on the brink of death, they would pray for his safety. No one would want their family member to die unless they've done something so terrible to that extent," she explained.

"Wise words from a wise lady," you chuckled. "Well it was nice seeing you again, but I've got a lot of work to do. I hope to see you soon," you said getting up.
"Wait, you're in uniform. Not your usual hero clothes, did something happen?" She asked, concerned making you realise you still hadn't changed out of the police uniform.
"USJ got attacked, it should be all over the news now. And if not, I'll try convincing Shoto to visit sometime soon," you gave her a small smile.
"Thank you for that Nightingale. Have a good evening!"

True to your word, the attack was all over the news. What was worse is that while you were fixing the barrier and updating the system the next day, some idiot news reporter decided to interview you.
It would have taken less than an hour to fix it but with the amount of interruptions, your whole day got wasted.
"I swear, they don't know the meaning of personal space," you sighed collapsing in the empty classroom.
You took out the files and wrote all the arrest cases for them. You even got to work on some of your other cases and go a bit deeper in investigating on who exactly the league is.


"Miss Nightingale were you here the entire holiday?" Iida yelled Monday morning.
"I don't know what day is it?" You asked groggily. You pulled 4 all nighters in a row finishing all the paperwork and investigating. There were many theories you had but you felt it was better to run them  by the Sargent first. Tired you had a tendency of making conspiracies that were out of this world.
"It is Monday morning 8 o'clock sharp! Class is starting now!" He scolded while the rest awed their 15 minutes of fame.
"Alright sit down," a familiar voice drawled.

"Mr. Aizawa, good to see you're feeling well," Iida yelled.
"Shota, she said you're supposed to be back next week not this week," you stated.
"My well being doesn't matter. Your fight isn't over yet," he huffed.
"I told you to stop scaring them about useless stuff! The sports festival. No villains, it's the U.A sports festival," you consoled them glaring at Eraserhead.
Immediately there were responses of both excitement and fear, very reasonable questions.
"Nezu wants to put on a display to show we're all and well. As for security, it's increased by five times the usual. Heroes patrolling on the outside and those who are scouting will be inside. I'll be there undercover as well so security should be fine. Plus based on the reports, the gang leader was shot in both legs and arms so he won't be walking for another 2 weeks," you reasoned. The class calmed instantly and seemed to agree with what you said.

The bell rang and as everyone began to file out, they were stopped by a horde of students. You took this time to speak to Aizawa.
"Sho is it really the best idea for you to be up and running?"
"Yes. If I were in that hospital for any longer I would have died. I hate the smell," he huffed.
"Fine, just stay safe okay?" You gently wrapped your wings around him in a hug.
"Alright kiddo," he smirked.

A/n: partially non-cannon chapter with hints to our backstory and dadzawa. Hope you like it so far

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