~~Chapter 3~~

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When I got to the bath house I went to a stall and closed the door behind me, I made sure I'd lock the door behind me so no one could walk in. The bath I chosen was closer to the wall that was covering the boys side of the wash room. I turned on the bath letting the water flow into the tub, the water felt nice and warm. I stripped naked and stepped into the tub feeling it covered my body with its warm essence. As I was sitting there relaxing in the warm water thinking about the strange boy I meet today, when my thoughts were disrupted by muffled talking on there other side of the wall.
I listened to what they were saying.. I know it's wrong of me to do it but my curiosity got the best of me. I tried my best to hear what they were saying and all I heard was Bertholdt I'm pretty sure talking about someone that he met today and then another voice saying that they can't interfere with our mission. I was confused but didn't look into it and it's not my business anyway.

Bertholdt POV:

As I was talking to Reiner about the girl I met today Y/N I think it was. He said he said that I was not to pay her attention as we did not want her to interfere with our mission. I nodded my head and shrugged it off because It's not like I cared about her I just met her. As I walked into a stall and turned in the water to the tub I stripped naked and stepped into the tub and tried to relax my nerves that was building up inside of me all day. I sighed deeply and then closed my eyes thinking about the starry night sky, because for some reason every time I think about the night sky my nerves seem to relax.

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