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I wake up in a hospital? Did my mom take me? I look to my right to see Jin sitting and sleeping with his head on the bed.

Pain shoots through my body, as everything goes black.

I wake up panting and pain in my chest. 'Just a Dream.' I look at the rose on my bedside table, the one that I sat there earlier when I got back from the park. I grab it, it's not dead..? Is it fake? Should I put it on? I wrap it around my wrist In curiosity. "is it going to take me to him again?"


'Public bathroom.. I'm in a public bathroom. The guys bathroom.' My eyes go wide, staring at a urinal. I hear a toilet flush and then someone opening a stall door. I close my eyes tight shut. "Woahh" I hear the guy behind me. When I looked at him I instantly knew who it was, Jin again.

"You're back!" He said excited coming towards me. He immediately hugs me. "Did you come by this again?" He breaks the hug and grabs her wrist that the rose is on. She nods. "I still can't believe you're here.. how? This is a dream isn't it?!" He hits his head repeatedly.

"S-Stop" I grab his hand, making him stop. "Rose, why are you here?! I don't get it?" Jin said as tears started falling down his face. "Why wouldn't I be here?"

"You're dead! There's no way your here!" He falls onto the ground. "W-What? I'm dead?! What do you mean?!" Tears formed in my eyes as I looked down at him. "W-What do you mean! Jin! I'm not dead!" Tears started streaming down my face as well. 'Am I really dead' I thought over and over. "Jin! Answer, please!"

I fall on the ground in front of him. "Why did you kiss me? Who was that boy? Why do you look so different from the Jin I know?! Are you really Kim SeokJin? The Jin that comes to the Flower shop everyday? The Jin that grandma admires all the time-" I said trying to control my tears.

"Grandma?" Jin cuts me off. "Yes grandma."

"S-She's still alive?!" He stares at me waiting for a answer. "Of course she is! Grandma will never leave m-"
"R-Rose! You're from the past a-aren't you?!" He says grabbing onto my shoulders. "What do you mean? That's impossible!"

"Whats the date?!"

"December 4, 2007."

"No it's not! Its December 4, 2017!"

"Is this some type of game" I yell as I stand up, getting out of his grip. "It's not! It's really not!" Jin stands up and grabs my arm. "I think you really are from the past! Rose you have cancer! Tell grandma that!!"

"S-stop" I back away from him. "Rose please! Believe me! Your mom is lying. It's not normal to cough up blood! It's not normal to lose your breath-"

"S-Stop! You're lying!" I yell. "Shh" Jin puts his hand over my mouth. "LET ME GO!" I yell even louder.

The bathroom door opens "come back tomorrow, okay?" Jin whispers and pulls the rose off of her wrist. "Jin what's-"


I'm back on the bed, the rose sitting in front of me. "Is this really happening?"


Finished Chapter- January 29, 2021.
Word count- 583



Rose | KSJ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now