Catching up there!

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              Early dawn, everyone is fast asleep. For some reason, Ukyo is sleeping with Naoki, although he has his own room. May be he's a little too afraid to sleep alone.

Suddenly Ukyo's alarm starts ringing, and that too really loud, but the owner doesn't seem to get up. Naoki gets up irritated to find Ukyo still asleep.

Naoki: (yells into his ears) Get up!!

Ukyo: (opens an eye): Hey, what's the matter?

Naoki: Oh really? 'What's the matter?' Are you deaf or what! Can't you hear YOUR alarm ringing?

Ukyo: Oh yeah, thanks science freak. But you see, I'm used to it so it doesn't affect me that much.

Naoki: Why do you even set the alarm then? Is it to wake me up? If yes then I don't need it. I don't use these old fashioned gadgets. I have my own personalised alarm.

Ukyo: Old Fashioned..........

             Time skip: At the breakfast table.

Akira runs into the dining room

Akira: Guys, please meet up at the hall, Zac has somethin' important to tell ya'.

Clio: I wonder what's the matter.

Naoki: No idea.

Orochi: (keeps blowing his gum)

             I enter into the hall to find everyone seated out there

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             I enter into the hall to find everyone seated out there.

Me: Guys as I know y'all and you guys also know me, I won't be acting formal with ya'. Well now the important part is that, we have a friendly match with Sun Bat United, tomorrow, 3 point match, so we'll be selecting the bladers.

Naoki: Alright, alright, so we know that you are there, Akira and 1 more member.

Me: Not necessary, anyone who's the top 3 bladers in the team will be competing (Well I suppose that includes me too).

             Tremendous excitement is in the air (but wait, I have no freaking idea as to why I said that. I've never heard 'excitement in the air'  it has always been 'love'.) These guys are actually practising quite hard, I see. Traid is conducting the test which includes me too, though I don't have to battle, actually.

The top three bladers come up: Akira, Orochi and the science freak (not to mention, but Naoki).

Me: Now I'll battle with you guys at once.

Akira: MEANING? We three will battle you at the same time?

Me: Yup.

                  Everyone is startled........

Me: (showing my new bey, evolved one) Meet my all new Galaxy Zeutron.

Everyone's mouth is wide open (except Orochi 'cause he's still chewing his gum)

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Everyone's mouth is wide open (except Orochi 'cause he's still chewing his gum).
We take our positions at the stadium.

All: 3, 2, 1. Let it Rip!

        Galaxy Zeutron goes and takes the centre while Nepstrius attacks from the edge.

Naoki: Nepstrius! Now, wave launch

     As soon as Nepstrius touches Zeutron, it was flipped  into air and it bursts.

     As soon as Nepstrius touches Zeutron, it was flipped  into air and it bursts

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Naoki: Woahhh!

      Meanwhile, Akira and Orochi planned a strategy.

Akira: Are you ready?

Orochi: Always.

Both (Akira and Orochi): Now Burst!

     Odax and Anubion attacked Zeutron simultaneously, which activated Zeutron's metal balls and the centrifugal force exerted by it made Odax and Anubion burst in mid-air.

Traid: That's a burst-finish.

     Naoki was still analysing the match statistics.

Ukyo: Hey, it's over now.

Naoki: I know that, I'm doin' something important.

Traid: Since Akira and Orochi could hang up till the end, they are going in with Zac for tomorrow's match.

Akira: Isn't it great, Orochi?

Orochi: (blowing his gum) Odax liked that tune.

Clio: Well, well that was a lucky charm for you guys, next time we're gotta catch up to it.

Akira: Waiting for you!

                   Meanwhile I get out of the training room, just too excited! We're gonna ace to the top. I just can't wait. Twinkle toes, be prepared.........

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