Some Time Please!

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Akira: Woo-hoo! We finally reached the finals!

Clio: That's really great! Now we'll beat 'em and race to the top.

Me: Confidence is good, but not overconfidence.

Ukyo: True to some extent.

Me: They have been the previous years' winners and so we shouldn't take 'em easy.

Akira: Plus, Valt Aoi is in their team, who holds the international rank.

Naoki: Oh that freaking dunderhead! I'll crush him with my bey once I see him. I still can't calm down my anger on him, after how he and his best friend SHU KURENAI thwarted my plans to win.

Me: Okay Naoki calm down, but what you did was also not right.

Naoki: Whatever! Once I get him I'll teach him a lesson he'll never forget. I'm just so sick of that bluenette and that freaking albino.

     Though I just shrugged off what he said, disappointment was clearly visible on his face.
I decided to leave them, while I went to my own practice area to practice for the tournament. Our match was scheduled after two days and so very less time to practice.

Day went by and it was soon night. I woke up and glanced at the clock.

Me: What! It's 9 o'clock!

   I had fallen asleep while practicing. I hurriedly went to the training area. Why is it so dark out here? Why aren't the lights switched on?

I went and switched on the lights. As soon as I did so, I found everyone of the club out there, fast asleep. Akira was sitting on the bench, beside Orochi, whose bubblegum was spread on his mouth. Holy mother of-!

Ukyo was on the floor. And Clio, not to mention, was on top of the stadium. Wow, did not know that stadium was a place to sleep. Sure enough, they had been practicing here all day, so it is not surprising that they were in their dreams.

Me: Get up. (I said slowly, moving Akira's arms) Get up, it's dark outside now.

     He slowly opened his eyes and glanced around the room, and sat up with a shock, waking up Orochi, who gave me a sidelong glance.

Me: Wake up Ukyo and Clio (I went to them and shook them slowly by their shoulders), It's pretty late now.

Ukyo (yawning) : What are you saying? It is just evening, isn't it?

Clio: Glance at the clock once (said with a smirk).

Akira: Oh my God, it's so late!

    I thought Ukyo was gonna say that. Akira is always up with his over running boost of adrenaline in his veins.

I heaved a sigh and called out......

Me: Now where are you Naoki?

    Wait, where was he? He wasn't around here.

Akira: I did not see him for long.

Clio: Yeah, he did not even practice with us.

     I felt as if I'm choking. Is this what I was fearing? I rushed to find him in every room.

Ukyo: Why are you so worried about him?

Me: 'Cause there's a reason behind it. (I answered frustratedly)

Akira: Do you need help to find him?

Me: No, I'll manage it myself. You guys go to the dinner table.

     I did not want anyone to come with me as it'll be such a chaos. I ran breathlessly everywhere, but the idea of checking in his room first, did not strike me. Really? What a freak I am!

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