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      Read this epilogue in the language of Science. But why? "Just to check if your IQ is sharp"

      Naoki Minamo's Point of view

     It was late at night. I walked into the training room to practice with Nepstrius. When i found Zac sitting there. He was so lost in his 'zone' that he did not realise that I had come there.

Me: Hey Zac?

   He did not answer. Was he asleep? But his eyes were wide open.
I had to move him shake him up by his shoulder.

Me: Are you 'kay?

Zac: Huh? Umm.. yeah.

Me: What happened? (I sat down beside him)

Zac: I'm sorry.

Me: (confused) What do you mean? For what? (I couldn't believe my ears, Zac was apologizing to me? But why?)

Zac: I should have listened to you before.

Me: (still confused) I really can't comprehend what you're trying to say.

Zac: You had told me earlier that you had to say something 'bout my bey, but I did not listened to ya'

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Zac: You had told me earlier that you had to say something 'bout my bey, but I did not listened to ya'. If I had then I wouldn't have lost 1 point to Xander. I realized this later, sorry Naoki.

Me: It's absolutely 'kay. No apologies, now you know your bey's weakness?

Zac: Weakness?

Naoki: That's what I wanted to tell you that day. See this, (I show him my analyzing statistics in my tech book) if Zeutron is hit from the side, it loses its balance, and that's how Xander secured a ring-out finish, he knew this.

Zac: Then I have to practice harder to fix this.

    Saying so, he got up and started practicing. I was sitting there, helping him to analyze his skills, but after sometime I fell asleep. When I got up, he was still practicing. It was a Zac I never knew, I had always thought him to be at the top and showing off at others 'cause he was a great blader. But I never knew that behind this, was a Zac full of hardwork. I would always respect him, but now I do so all the more.

Zac: What are you staring at? Don't you wanna practice with me?

Me: W-with you? Sure, why not!

    And all through the night we kept on practicing and I helped him analyze more 'bout his bey.
Truly indeed, he was Zac the Sunrise.

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