Against and Against!

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      The first few rounds in the World League were rather easy than I'd thought. Wining battles against The Royals and A S Gallus (Daigo Kurogami's team), we reached the Semi-finals and were up against S B Rios.

   Coming this far, my teammates, being newcomers, gathered much confidence. Though the sun had not stepped into the ring yet, I was surely going in the next match.

Me: Our next rivals are pretty tough, S B Rios.

Akira: So we're gonna need practice.

Me: Let me finish, first.

Akira: 'Kay.

Me: They have two of the Big Five in their team, Xander Shakadera and Ren Wu Sun. So it'll be quite difficult to topple over them.

Clio: Our match is tomorrow, so who'll be goin'?

Me: We'll decide that later. For now, all of you need training (including me).

      While practicing, I was rather too pre-occupied by 'something'. Maybe it was the anxiety of wining against Xander's team, 'cause I had lost matches in the semi-finals several times.

      Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice,

Naoki: Hey Zac, I found out something 'bout your bey, I wanted to tell ya' that........

Me: Not now.

Naoki: But it's very important, it'll help you in the match against S B Rios.

Me: I said later.

Naoki: Fine.

  ~Time Skip~

    It was the day, standing there right against S B Rios, and to defeat him.

Hanami: First battle - Cuza vs Ren Wu Sun.

Referee: Bladers please come up on stage.

3, 2, 1. Let it rip!

Hanami: Both beys are launched onto the stadium, and there goes the first hit and Caynox is at the centre, but Regulus wouldn't give up either.

      Sure enough, Ren Wu had a unique ability to trace the launch path of beys by just looking at their start position.

Ren Wu: Shelter Defense!

Hanami: And Caynox goes flying into the air and its a ring-out finish.

       That was utterly unbelievable. I thought Clio could stand up against the Big Five.

Second Battle

Hanami: And this time, Regulus takes the centre.

Akira: (To me) Does Clio have a plan?

    I don't answer his question. I was too engrossed in the match to answer his question.
Clio used his signature move, Levitation Launch and that worked, a survivor finish.

The third battle too was neck and neck, but Clio won with another survivor finish.

      Xander decided to battle next, so sending in Akira would be sensible. His defense type bey had advantage against an attack type like Xcalius.
But there was more to it, his bey had evolved into Surge Xcalius, more powerful indeed.

The battle started off pretty well, and Akira was wise enough to decrease Xcalius's stamina first and then tossed it up in air, until.....

Xander: Xcalius! Triple Sabber!

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