Do You Remember?

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    It was the day, the day I will be facing off twinkle toes.

I wonder, how does time fly so fast? It seems as though, it were just that day when I first met him at the regional tournament, that day when I was defeated by him in the semi-finals, I admit it. And now again, we would stand against each other, not alone, but with our teams.

At the arena

Hanami: Woah, cheers and applause will shower today, but why? 'Cause it is the finals of the International Team Battles Tournament! In the Red Corner we have the previous year's champion, B C Sol with their captain Valt Aoi holding the title rank. And in the Blue Corner, we have the  Shining Stars with the famous pop star Zac the Sunrise as their captain. With their first year in the tournament, will they ace to victory, or will B C Sol hold back their rank?
Lets announce the team members once again:

B C Sol:
Valt Aoi
Rantaro Kiyama
Silas Karlisle
Cuza Ackermann
Sasha Guten

Shining Stars:
Zac the Sunrise
Akira Yamatoga
Naoki Minamo
Clio Delon
Ukyo Ibuki

   Well, I forgot to mention earlier, but Orochi isn't playing in the finals. Ask why? He had injured his shoulder, so wouldn't be able to pull the launcher string.

1st battle : Clio Delon vs Rantaro Kiyama

    Sending Clio in the first match, I thought would be sensible, a stamina type vs a stamina type.

3, 2, 1. Let it rip!

And it started.

Rantaro: Roktavor Zone!

   Clio did nothing, simply nothing. He just waited for roktavor's stamina to decrease, but the plan did not seem to work.

Clio: Levitation Launch!

    Deep Caynox was flung up into the air and it was a ring-out finish.

Clio: Well, well you might have taken the first point, but the next one to score will be me.

    In the second battle, Clio won with a burst finish.

2nd battle : Cuza Ackermann vs Naoki Minamo

Ready, Set!

   The battle begun, it was a tough one and the first match was a simultaneous burst finish. In the second battle, things were different.

Cuza: Eternity Launch!

Naoki: Hybrid Launch!

   I thought that might have worked out as well, but to our disappointment, Cuza won the match.

Naoki: Dammit! How can I lose? All my calculations were perfect. My algorithms were also correct. That freakin' acrobat thwarted my hopes to atoms.

Me: Calm down. Don't lose your temper.

3rd battle : Sasha Guten vs Ukyo Ibuki

    As the battle begun Ukyo's strategy was working out fine well. But who on earth would expect him to lose to 2 survivor finishes in a row?

Clio (smirks): So you lost even with your evolved bey, huh?

Ukyo: Thanks for depressing me all the more, Clio.

Hanami: And here there is B C Sol taking the lead.

Next form B C Sol, Silas Karlisle came up on stage. I couldn't take a risk, if we lose the next battle, we're done for. Just when I was about to go, Akira stood up and went.

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