Chapter 1 🌸

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{Hey y'all this is my 1st ever fanfic so pls go easy on the judgments. Here are some details, In this timeline the gang are all 14 years old and  Amane is an only child, In this world high school is from the age of 13 - 17 years old}



Author's POV

One summer day Yashiro Nene was tending to her garden she loved growing cucumbers, tomatoes and other greenery, her favorite part about gardening is that she gets to eat what she grows.

She had just finished her work for today, she cleaned herself up by the sink  and fix her hair, her ponytail had been a mess from all the work she's done. She sat on a bench next to the soccer cage and watched the boys play as she put her cream colored hair with teal ends into a little French braid.

As she enjoyed the light summer breeze while watching the soccer practice she couldn't help but keep her eyes glued to the boy with choppy black hair and large amber irises shaped into a crescent moon shape and the most sly/cheeky smile ever. Yugi Amane, her classmate and her crush, Yashiro met Amane just last year on their first day of school, he teased her and called her daikon legs because her legs were chubbier then the rest of her body (SHE THICK BOIIII) but despite starting off on the wrong foot they ended up in the same class and became friends but he will still always tease her from time to time but she got used to it.

She noticed her feelings towards Amane started to change at the start of the this year at first Nene thought that maybe it's because Amane started getting taller so she saw him differently but as the days, weeks, & months pass by what was an initial spark turned into a huge flame and now she is head over heels for him but despite that she was still stable enough to keep her cool and still act as if she doesn't have feelings for him, but Nene wonders if one day they can be more then friends.

Yugi Amane's POV

My team & I was taking a little sip of water before our last round and from the corner of my eye I noticed my crush Yashiro Nene sitting on a bench by the soccer gate from the looks of it she doesn't notice me staring at her even from afar I notice how her hair is a mess and she has dirt on her knees from gardening she is a total beautiful mess right now. Oh how I would love to just run over to her right this moment but I still have a game to finish. Alright I will win this game for you my beautiful daikon legs I hope you're watching me.



Yashiro Nene's POV

I watched as Amane kicked the ball into the goalie and wining the game I jumped up in excitement cheering him on his teammates gathered around him and threw him in the air a few times even though this is just practice they treat every win like a real match after they put him down Amane took his bag and started running towards me with a towel around his neck wiping away the sweat, I don't know if it's because of my rose colored glasses over him but how does a man look so good drenched in sweat and mud after a soccer game but I felt a blush creeping up my face as he is running over to me while calling out my name.

"Hey daikon legs did you see how I had the wining shot"

"Why yes I did shorty and I DON'T HAVE DAIKON LEGS" I said as I stood up and hit his arm.

"Me a shorty! I think you need to get your eyes checked lil miss daikon cuz unlike last year I have grown quite exponentially, I'm a big boy now. He said all up in her face with a sarcastic tone and a sly grin.

He stepped closer to me to measure our height difference and I caught a whiff of his scent mixed with sweat and I could also feel the temperature of his body as he stood so close to me but while we are this close I noticed how he has gotten a lot taller. My eye level is now at his lips and I can't help but stare at his rosy kissable lips, I was so caught up in the moment I almost wanted to run my thumb along his bottom lip but, I felt a sudden change in the air around us as Amane started to pat my head his hands was so gentle I could've melted from the touch.

 My eye level is now at his lips and I can't help but stare at his rosy kissable lips, I was so caught up in the moment I almost wanted to run my thumb along his bottom lip but, I felt a sudden change in the air around us  as Amane started to pat ...

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"I'm no longer a shorty Yashiro-chan" he mumbled under his breath

I noticed that Amane has tensed up when I look up into his striking amber eyes, he was looking right into mine it felt like time stood still for a second and there was nobody but us in the world both of us started blushing like crazy.


Amane instantly took a step back and look away & hiding his blush with a pretend cough.

"Um.. H-hey Yashiro-chan we should probably start getting ready to head back it's getting dark soon."

"Ah yes *Ahem* yes indeed we should go hehe...."


Yugi Amane's POV

Whoa! that was too close if I had looked into her sweet ruby eyes any longer I would have kissed her, she looked so adorable looking up at me like that and the way she said my name while blushing AHHH I was going to explode from the cuteness, my lil daikon is looking more and more beautiful as the day goes by idk how long I can stand not making her mine officially. I noticed how the guys in our class has started to pay more attention to her even the upperclassmen has taken an interest but Nene has also stopped chasing guys so much, I remember back in Form 1 she would go gaga over any guy who even gave her even a bit of attention but recently she hasn't given them a 2nd thought. WAIT! does she have a crush one somebody a chill ran down my spine as I thought about that possibility, Oh god I hope it's me and not some F-boy or something like that. I need to know as soon as possible, but how?.

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I Want You To Be Mine Yugi Amane x Yashiro Nene | Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun Where stories live. Discover now