Chapter 2 🌸

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The next day during break time ~~~

Author's POV

The gang decided to have their meal up at the school rooftop Amane & Nene brought a bento box they will head up to the rooftop first, Aoi & Akane went to buy some bread at the canteen so they will join them later (some alone time hehe~).

Yashiro Nene's POV

"Wow Amane-kun that looks good"

"Oh thanks! I made it myself this morning" he said proudly

"Is it safe to eat then" I said with a worried look

"Oh princess daikon do you think your bento lunch is better then mine" he said with a sarcastic tone and a smirk

"Here have a bite" He took a piece of tamagoyaki and shoved it in my face

"say Ah~"

I took a bite waiting for the taste to kick in

"*Gasp* Wow Amane-kun this is actually really delicious. Okay okay I'm sorry I doubted you, here have a bite of mine I made it too"

Just as I fed him my piece of tamagoyaki Aoi & Akame walked through the door.

"Ara ara Akane-kun I think we just walked in on something interesting, do you think we should leave the lovebirds alone to lovingly feed each other" Aoi said with a mischievous smile while staring me down. Amane and I turned a bright shade of crimson.

"H-hey Aoi-chan don't say things like that we're not l-lovebirds" I said, curse myself for stuttering so much.

"well not yet" Amane said under his breath just barely audible.

I can't believe Aoi just said that what if Amane starts thinking that I like him I mean is that such a bad thing, I want him to know but what if he doesn't feel the same way or he will just make fun of me and break my heart AHHH Aoi why did you do that. I shot Aoi a dirty look, she just stuck her tongue out at me knowing full well how I feel and what she just did. Stupid Aoi I pouted.

Author's POV

On the why back to class Amane pulled Aoi to the side to talk Akane & Nene were deep in conversation they didn't noticed that their friends were gone.

"Hey Aoi-chan I need to ask you something important" He said with a small blush on his cheeks

"Sure what is it Amane-kun" She looked at him suspiciously with a slight idea where this is going

"Um.. do you by any chance know who Nene-chan l-likes or if she has a crush" He said while stuttering the words

"Hehehe Oh I see you have a crush on Nene-chan don't you Amane-kun" She said while looking at him as how a wolf looks at a little lamb

"YES! WAIT.. NO I MEANNN SAY WHATTTT I NEVER SAID THAT, YOU'VE GOT THE WRONG IDEA" He said disoriented and flustered to the max.

"Hehehe don't worry I'll keep your secret safe with me IF" She said shooting him a mischievous look.

"IF?" Amane eyes widen as he held his breath

"If you keep me updated as to how you'd like to win her over AND buy me ice cream"

"That's it *phew* I thought you were gonna go blabbing to Nene-chan right away, Wait did you say plans, does Nene-chan like me back" He said with hope in his voice.

"Welllllll I'm just gonna say the odds will work in your favor" She said with a sly smile.

"Awww Aoi-chan that was such a NOT answer" He said frustrated but hopeful.

"Hey take it or leave it lover boy I'm breaking girl code just talking about this with you"

"Fineeee fine fine fine" He said relived that Aoi would give him even this much information.

"And here Aoi-chan he took out a piece of rainbow lollipop, I brought this in advance just incase you wouldn't give me any answer" He said with a chuckle

"Oh so you thought you could bribe me with a lollipop eyyy well your lucky I already want you and Nene-chan to end up together or you wouldn't be able to get any help from yours truly"

"Thank you so much Aoi-chan I owe you one, but why are you so egger to help me?"

"Well I've actually already shipped the both of you together from last year and I knew the both of you would like each other eventually before y'all even realized it. Even though you love to bully and tease Nene-chan here and there, I knew you'd never actually hurt her and you are a really nice guy Yugi-kun. I've also heard rumors about how you've been turning down girls left and right cuz you've already got a girl that you like so it wasn't hard to put 2 and 2 together" She said with and assuring smile

"Thank you Aoi-chan I never thought you'd see me that way" he said sheepishly.

"But if you ever hurt Nene-chan I'll beat you up into a full body cast" She said while holding on to his collar, if looks could kill he'd be dead already.

"YES! yes I won't hurt her, I would never want to hurt her she's too precious to me. He said scratching the nape of his neck with a longing look.

"I'll hold you to your words Yugi-kun don't you dare forget, okay let's go back to class we're gonna be late if we don't hurry, but what do we tell them"

"Don't worry I got it just follow my lead" He reassured her

Back at class ~~~

"Hey where did you guys go when we turned around you guys disappeared" Nene said worried

"Yeah where did this perv bring you Aoi-chan he didn't touch you inappropriately did he" Akane said panicked.

"Hey hey hey Akane-kun have some faith in me why don't you, I was just helping to keep Aoi-chan safe when she got confected to buy an upperclassmen, that's it no need to lose your mind over" Amane said calmly, Aoi and him shared a knowing look cuz things are about to get exciting.

Yugi Amane's POV

My friends and I went back to our seats as the teacher has entered the class, my seat is right behind Nene even though I should be paying attention to the class I couldn't stop thinking about the conversation I just had with Aoi, her words finally hit me like a slap to the face Nene does like me there is no other explanation, I mean Aoi didn't out right say that Nene likes me but everything else that she said practically spells out a big fat YES shining in the sky, I can't believe it she really does like me Eeeekkk I'm so happy I could explode if only now was gym I could go sprinting a few laps on the track. Okay time to start working my charm and with Aoi's help I'll finally be able to call Nene mine.

I Want You To Be Mine Yugi Amane x Yashiro Nene | Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun Where stories live. Discover now