Chapter 6 🌝

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{This takes place a year later so now they're 15 years old and in Form 3.}

Author's POV

"Hey Nene-chan how far have you and Yugi-kun gone" She said with a dirty look on her face

"W-what do you m-mean Aoi-chan" Ugh such a bold question

"Oh I see you want me to spell it out for you is it"

Aoi leaned into Nene's ear and whispered

"Have you guy had sex yet~❤"

"Whaaa!" Nene screamed as she backed away from Aoi

"You can't be serious Aoi-chan we're still far to young to be doing that"

"Awww but aren't you curious~ I'm sure Yugi-kun already has his mind on it"

"Whether he has it on his mind or not it's between us and sides I'm not ready yet if he really loves me he'll wait, Sex isn't the only part of a relationship"

"I hear you Nene, if that's how you truly feel I hope Yugi-kun knows that too and that you're not just assuming that he'll wait quietly"

"Thanks for the advice Aoi-chan it has been a year since we started dating and what a wonderful year it has truly been we've had our up's and down's but in the end we still love each other. But who knew he was so possessive ey. He'd always be on edge every time a guy would speak to me or he would indirectly send a message by putting his arm on my shoulder or around my waist, I find it so cute :3"

"While you have such a wonderful boyfriend, here I am all alone single as a pringle"

"Don't act like you don't have options Akane-kun is practically throwing himself at you every chance he gets plus he is not a loser he is smart, helpful, responsible, athletic, and I'm sure there's more. But that's something for you to find out" She winked at Aoi

"Yeah but he is just a childhood friend and not my type"

"You say that now but if one day a girl tries to take him away from you will you be okay with that?" Aoi's expression changed for a split second maybe Nene's words hit a nerve she didn't know she had

"I guess I need that day to come for me to know Nene-chan" Aoi's expression returned to normal but Nene knew she saw a pang of hurtful truth hit her

"Anyways don't forget to speak to Yugi-kun kay?"

"Okay Aoi-chan thanks for the advice I guess I've never really thought about it until you point it out, Alrighty let get to class before the boys send out a search party"

In class~

"Hey where did you guys go just now?" Amane asks

"Just walking around having girl talk"

"Owh what about?, can I know~" Amane held Nene's left hand and with his right wrapped it around her tiny waist and pulled her close as if they were about to dance Nene felt heat rising to her cheeks

"Y-yes but No!" she looked away

"Huh which is it my lil daikon yes or no~" He whispered the no into my ear sending shivers throughout my body how does this guy always know how to make me feeling hot and bothered. Nene hesitated to answer.

"If you don't answer fast I'll give you a big kiss right here right now in front of everyone in class it will for sure be this week's gossip"

Nene knew what he said was true but cause of his teasing she is so flustered she can't think straight enough to find the words. Everyone in class is used to Amane's PDA that nobody cares to bat an eye anymore but if he was to kiss me, there would be an uproar. I muster up the strength to get out of Amane's love hold and give us some distance.

I Want You To Be Mine Yugi Amane x Yashiro Nene | Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun Where stories live. Discover now